Friday, 14 February 2025

A Prayer for Ephphatha – To Be Opened

Jesus said…


“Ephphatha, Be opened.”


Mark 7.31-37


Be opened my heart

to love like Jesus.

Be opened my eyes 

to see like Jesus. 

Be opened my ears 

to hear like Jesus. 

Be opened my mouth 

to speak like Jesus.

Be opened my hands

to serve like Jesus.

Be opened my life

to know Jesus is at work in me.

Be opened my life 

to trust Jesus is my all.

Be opened my life 

to be guided by faith hope and love. 

Be opened. Ephphatha.

My daily prayer.

Be opened.


Photo Credit: Cyrus Gomez

Saturday, 18 January 2025

A Prayer for Ordinary Time

God of the Journey,

You are with us in the rhythms of our days:

dishes to wash, beds to make, emails to send,

meals to cook, games to play, people to visit,

snow to shovel, deliveries to make, prayers to pray.

Draw our hearts to be attentive 

to where you are in these regular rhythms.

God of the Journey,

You are with us in the standout moments of our days:

baptisms, weddings, funerals, 

birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, 

engagements, promotions, retirements.

Draw our hearts to be attentive 

to where you are in these extraordinary rhythms.

God of the Journey,

You are with us in the journey all the days of our life

on a weekday, weekend, high day or a low day 

for you are our hope.

We are pilgrims with our compass set to you

draw our hearts to be attentive 

to where you are in this Ordinary Time.


Photo Credit: Alexei Scutari

Sunday, 12 January 2025

A Prayer for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord


Your baptism is always an invitation for us.

An invitation to see you in the every day of our living.

An invitation to profess you with our living.

An invitation to claim the dignity 

of being a beloved one of God in our living.

An invitation to the awareness of the presence of 

Your Father and your Spirit at work in our living.

An invitation to live out our baptismal call 

to be messengers of hope in our living.

An invitation to thankfulness and praise for you 

who are our way, our truth and our life.

May we be courageous enough to live from our belovedness.


Photo Credit: Alex Shute

Friday, 3 January 2025

A Prayer for Epiphany


“We have seen his star in the East 

and have come with gifts to adore the Lord.” 

– Matthew 2.2

God of all Nations,

your Son born for us all, 

was adored by Magi from distant lands.

Like the Magi we come before the crib 

with our gifts and our lives.

May the gifts of our talents and treasures 

be for the good of all and the glory of your name 

as this new year unfolds. 

May the gift of our life 

be a witness of generosity and kindness

for all are our sisters and brothers.

May the gifts we received and gave this Christmas 

be a reminder to share with those in need 

in all the seasons of this year. 

As we adore the Child in the Manger 

we give ourselves and our lives, 

we surrender them to you, 

the Great Gift-Giver.

As we present our gifts

we humbly ask you to 

gift and bless us with 

hope, peace, 

joy, and love 

today and always. 


    Happy New Year - 2025 Jubilee!
Thank you for continuing to read my posts.

    Photo Credit: Marcel Eberle

Monday, 23 December 2024

A Prayer for Christmas

“We should make a dwelling place within ourselves where God can stay.” – St. Francis of Assisi

God With Us

Jesus – our Emmanuel,

praise is on our lips, 

for you are born 

here and now again 

in our hearts.

As we gather at the manger 

your hope fills us, 

your peace comforts us, 

your joy stirs us, 

your love meets us. 

May we carry these gifts into the days ahead 

and share them with all those we meet, 

especially those who do not know your

hope - peace - joy - love.

As we celebrate your birth among us,

we sing with the angels, 

we pause with the shepherds, 

we adore with the magi, 

we draw near with the animals, 

for we trust,

we even dare to believe

you do truly 

dwell among us.

As we share gifts, 

gather at table, 

greet friends and neighbors, 

and celebrate the season,

remind us you were born in a manger

-  simple and humble. 

May this simplicity and humility 

help us to see you 

in all which is now Christmas time.

From the manger 

we are awakened 

to our call as your people 

to bring good news, 

bind up broken hearts, 

proclaim liberty, 

comfort mourners, 

and declare 

your hope - peace - joy and love

this season and in all seasons. 

From the manger 

to our everyday 

may we be witnesses 

of you among us. 


Photo Credit: Mustafa Turhan

Friday, 20 December 2024

A Prayer For Advent Week 4

 “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb.” 

- Luke 1.41

God of Love,

This season of Advent is slipping away 

and we are once again at the threshold of

celebrating the light of your love Jesus

- our Emmanuel and Savior born for us.

In these limited Advent days 

may we be attentive 

to how your love 

meets us, encourages us, 

restores us and heals us.

When the darkness seems too much

meet us with the light of your love. 

When the hurts of past try to rob us 

meet us with the light of your love. 

When the imperfections and incomplete 

are made known in the days ahead 

meet us with the light of your love. 

When the expectations and demands 

leave us drained 

meet us with the light of your love. 

When the voices around us are not kind 

or do not know the true gift of this season 

meet us with the light of your love.

When we come to the manger 

with the simple gift of who we are 

meet us with the light of your love,

and lead us to share 

the light of your love with others.


Photo Credit: Jan Hruska

Friday, 13 December 2024

A Prayer For Advent Week 3

 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor."

- Luke 4.18

God of Joy, 

Our hearts are lifted up 

as the Advent days grow shorter, 

for we know you are so near. 

Your joy is bigger than smiles shared, 

gifts given and homes decorated. 

Your joy is the depth of the heart.

Your joy sustains us in trials and struggles. 

Your joy is the rejoicing of the good and holy.

Your joy reminds us of your delight in us.

As we journey in this Advent week, 

we trust your joy will meet us no matter the journey. 

We trust your joy is transforming our hearts, 

allowing us to let go of false expectations and gimmicks. 

We trust your joy is at work in us, 

in our tasks, our duties 

and gatherings with others. 

Your joy is echoed in the words of Mary, 

as she declares your goodness in hearing 

the invitation to do your will. 

May we be attentive to your invitations this week. 

May we also declare:

“my soul magnifies”

and “my spirit rejoices,” 

trusting this will guide us 

to the true joy 

at the Bethlehem Manger.
