Sunday 30 August 2015

Simply Professed Part 2

The month of August has slipped away, and now a new adventure is on the horizon in this journey of being a simply professed Friar.

This past month has been good for my soul, my heart, and my journey. It was full of time with family and friends, young and old, plans and surprises, much goodness. What blessings indeed and so much to be thankful for today and always.

This past week saw me pack up once again and move across another border, this time only a provincial border, no hassles at all! :) I am now mostly settled in my new home the Friary I will more than likely call home for the next 4 years. It is good to be here and get settled (thank you Mom & Dad). It is good to be among brothers and learn new routines, new ways of how we do things and discover a new city. It is good to look back on the past few weeks with much joy and look ahead with much hope.

As I organize my stuff and look ahead to classes beginning this week, I am excited, but to be honest a bit anxious as well, however I know that God is with me. My life is indeed God's hands and I continue to say 'do something new in me Lord'. As I was going through my files I discovered a poem a wrote a few years ago it seems to best describe the journey right now. As I venture out of month one of being a simply professed Friar and into the months and years ahead I trust that my life is in God's hands.

Life in God’s Hands

My life is in Your hands,
come and pray in me.

My life is in Your hands,
help me just to be.

My life is in Your hands,
honoured and holy even when weak.

My life is in Your hands,
for this is where You and I meet.

My life is in Your hands,
help me see and be and do.

My life is in Your hands,
so others may encounter You.

My life is in Your hands,
free, grace-filled and mercy full.

My life is in Your hands,
may it always show.

My life is in Your hands,
each and every day.

My life is in Your hands,
for ever and always.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Simply Professed

It is with great joy that I share with you the news of my Simple Vows that were made during this Year of Consecrated Life. I give thanks to God for the blessings of the journey so far and look ahead with much hope.

Simple Profession celebrations began on Saturday, August 1 with a Prayer Liturgy at the Portiuncula that is on the grounds of the Novitiate. This simple liturgy then moved into a procession involving all the Friars present singing and the Book of the Gospels carried to our main chapel for Mass. We celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula.


The celebration of the Eucharist was filled with energy and joy. The prayers and scripture throughout the Mass were proclaimed in four languages French, Spanish, Visayan and English. Celebrating the cultures/languages of all nine novices.

Together we raised our voices in song and prayer, giving thanks to God for our many blessings, the gift of the Franciscan family and our Blessed Mother. A special gift during Mass was during the Preparation of Gifts Br. Javier played an instrumental version of a song he had just composed entitled, “Sister Clare”.

Following the Eucharist we continued on celebrating by enjoying a delicious meal together.


On Sunday, August 2 we gathered for First Profession of Vows at 10:30 a.m. The Novices lead the singing of the Opening Hymn, “Everyday God”. The song is a litany giving praise that the Holy Trinity is always present to us in the journey.

We were reminded of our call since baptism which has consecrated us, we embraced scripture and then began the Profession Rite. One at a time the nine of us Novices made our first vows into the hands of our respective Provincials. A graced moment indeed. I felt very much alive, confident and filled with hope, peace and joy. I made it official by signing the Book of Life and was then warmly welcomed by the 60+ brothers who were present. We concluded by praying for the Pope, the Church, the Franciscan family, our family, friends and the world, placing them all into the loving hands of our God.

The celebration again continued with another delicious meal. After the meal we bid farewell to each other and began our journeys home to Mexico, Ireland, several places in the USA and of course Eastern and Western Canada.

It is indeed a blessing to profess with 8 other talented, gifted, passionate, God-filled and Christ-loving brothers. These brothers inspired me, supported me, challenged me, and encouraged me this past year, I hope they will continue to do so in the years ahead.

I now am enjoying some summer time with family and friends. I will be on retreat in Mid-August and then by the end of August will move to St. Francis’ Friary. I will be living with 9 of the brothers from my Province, will begin taking classes and exploring a new city.

God is indeed good! I am indeed blessed and very grateful.
Thank you for your prayers and support over this Novitiate Year. I humbly ask for them as I begin my journey as a simply professed Friar.