Wednesday 20 July 2016

A Life Well Lived

Today we received word that the oldest Friar in Canada died in his sleep last night.
Brother Stan was 101 years old.

I met him during my Postulancy year.
Meeting him at the beginning of my Franciscan journey was a great blessing. 
He impacted me with his wisdom, kindness, stories, prayers, routine, quick wit and welcoming smile.

A faith-filled brother, who had been a priest for many years.
A strong brother, who had worked in many situations and circumstances.
A confident brother, who forged the way in ministry settings.
A story-telling brother, who shared harrowing tales and lessons for life.
A beloved brother, who was loved by the brothers and many others.
A Franciscan brother, filled with joy and peace.

May God give him peace now as he is embraced in heavenly joy and goodness.

We humbly ask for your prayers for the Friars of Western Canada, and for the

family, friends and many parishioners who mourn the death of Brother Stan.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Summer Time

With Canada Day it seems summer officially shifts into full time mode. This causes me to do some reflecting and share some gratitude.

I have now been a Simply Professed Friar for 11 months… at times that is hard to believe, at other times it feels like a lot longer. Over the course of the past 11 months I have moved, become a full time student, have settled into a new home and city, took on some adventures, tried some new things, prayed and journaled, built relationships, traveled, surprised a few people, discovered blessings and challenges of Franciscan life and brotherhood and have contemplated much.

It has been quite the adventure to say the least. At times I forget that it truly is an adventure that has God’s love written all over it. I’m always amazed when I reflect back on my day – good or bad – how God has been constantly and consistently a part of my day and blessing me (even when I fail to see it). I don’t know why this amazes me as I truly believe that God is at work in me each day. Maybe I’m amazed because of how amazingly God enters into and creates and calls me to do the same. There is indeed wonder and awe but also deeper awareness, respect and the reminder of the gift of life.

As I reflect back on the past year besides God’s amazing love I am deeply grateful for:
Support of family, friends, classmates, Brothers
Courage, Strength, Hope, Promise
Listening ears and helping hands
Gifts, Skills, Opportunities, Talents
Growth, challenges endured, insights gained
Time for prayer, reflection, pondering
Walks, runs, comfy chairs, good night sleeps, 
Sunrises, sunsets, the river valley, the LRT (not everyone in Edmonton would say that!)
The occasions to share my faith and encounter the faith of others
Discovering strengths, lessons learned, claiming the gift of being a Child of God
Good people, kind people, generous people, creative people
Those who have prayed for me, those who have prayed with me
Freedoms, Blessings, Life

God truly is amazing. I am truly blessed and this list could go on with more however I will leave it at this.

I want to take this time to thank you for reading my blogs. Writing my entries is truly a gift for me, a time of prayer and way for me to share my faith. I am grateful and humbled that you choose to join me on the journey.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers, these truly are wonderful gifts I appreciate.

Over the next few weeks I will be in class, traveling, on retreat, renewing my vows and connecting with family before beginning another academic year. I want to let you know I’m not sure how routine the blog will be over the summer, I do hope to post a few entries.

Safe journeys and enjoy the blessings of summer.

Two thoughts for pondering during the summer...

Courage is fear that has said its prayers. 
– Annie Lamott

One life is all we have and we live it 
as we believe in living it. 
But to sacrifice what you are 
and to live without belief, 
that is a fate more terrible than dying. 
– St. Joan of Arc