Monday 23 December 2019

Christmas: Little Child, O Little Child

Little Child
O Little Child
born this day
becoming one of us
showing us love’s way.

Little Child
O Little Child 
shepherds gather near
in you they know
there is nothing to fear.

Little Child
O Little Child
angels sing your praise
our hearts are stirred
as with them our voices raise.

Little Child
O Little Child
creation repeats this joy
born for us, born for all
you, Mary’s little boy.

Little Child
O Little Child
Joseph gently guarding you
inviting those who seek
to witness love a new.

Little Child
O Little Child
animals give you a home
they seem to know
that with you we are not alone.

Little Child
O Little Child
wise ones arrive with gifts
adoring you, worshipping you
God present in their midst.

Little Child
O Little Child
I too draw to your side
I kneel now at your manger
giving all I hold inside.

Little Child
O Little Child
you are now here
I rejoice in this gift
for you I love so dear.

Little Child
O Little Child
you are the way
you are truth and life
be born in me today.

Little Child
O little Child
Jesus born this day
you are one of us, with us 
beyond this Christmas day.

St. Francis of Assisi was so in awe of the Christ Child that when he spoke of the Babe from Bethlehem his voice sounded like a bleating sheep and tasted like sweet honey. May our voices be filled with warmth and delight this Christmas Season. 

As we draw near the stable, let us be mindful of the simplicity of it. As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, let us be mindful that he calls us to simplicity so that we may all enjoy the gift of his birth and God present in all of creation. 

As we linger at his manger, let us be aware of those who have nothing and simply seek the warmth of humanity. Let us be aware that the Christ Child and his parents were refugees and migrants seeking shelter and that at this time there are thousands of our brothers and sisters in the same situation.

As we gaze upon the Holy Family, let us be conscious of those who have no family and those who are alone. Let us be conscious that the newborn Child calls us to make room for one more at our tables, in our churches, in our gatherings. 

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate, let us be attentive that several people will not be able to do so because of suffering, hurts, natural disasters and violence. Let us be attentive to their needs and at the very least offer prayers in this holy season for these our brothers and sisters.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us give thanks and praise to God for all that we have and all the good and generous gifts we have received. Let us give thanks and praise that our God is with us today and always.

Merry Christmas 
may the blessings of this season be abundant 
and lead you to walk into 2020 with renewed vision and hope.

Thank you for including my blog in your daily living of the gospel. 
Peace and all good.

Blogs will continue again in the new year.
Artwork by: Yevgenia Petrenko, ofs - Ukraine

Sunday 22 December 2019

Advent IV

Hope and promise
in the wings of an angel
in the whisper of the message
in the yes of the young women.

Hope and promise
in the dreams of night
in the wisdom of the angel
in the yes of the young man.

Hope and promise
in the trust embodied
in the strength for the journey
in the yes of the young couple.

Hope and promise
in the journey to Bethlehem
in the stable as a shelter
in the yes even in the unknown.

Hope and promise
in the stable of long ago
in the message for us today
in the yes to bear Christ.

Hope and promise
in my carrying of this hope
in my living of this promise
in my yes which I give.

O Come O Come Emmanuel
the time is drawing near!

Sunday 15 December 2019

Advent Journey III

Advent days
where are you going?
You are slipping away
so very quickly.

The days are full,
they pull at me
to be busy,
so as not to go with purpose.

Advent days:
preparations and contemplation,
quiet and demands,
the tensions which hold this season.

Carols begin to fill my ears,
twinkling lights begin to appear,
cookies here and cakes too,
all so good but must having meaning.

Advent days
you awaken me
to stirrings in my heart
help me to listen.

The gifts of the season
the special treats and surprises
what do they say to me?
Do they lead me to the true gift?

Advent days
your message is prepare,
transform the way,
be ready for the child King comes to us.

Your days are now over half gone
yet I still have days to walk in you,
to grasp moments,
to ponder, to pray, to be.

Advent days
even in the busy
you find ways to whisper to me
about peace, hope, joy and love.

Settle into me O peace,
anchor me O hope,
guide my actions O joy
live through me O love…

in these few remaining Advent days and beyond.

Rejoice! Rejoice! 
Emmanuel is drawing near!

- inspired by the reality of a full schedule,
and finding time for Advent reflections.

Friday 6 December 2019

Advent Journey II

Advent you are filled with
rich and interesting characters
and inviting winter darkness.
Rich and interesting characters
and inviting winter darkness
which awakens me,
calls me to who I am
and the light dawning within.

Prophets, seers, sages,
challenge me to see
the light I carry
and how I let it shine.
Darkness which enfolds me,
gently slows me down,
awakening me to truths
and wisdom needed.

Wise women and brave men
walk with me on this journey,
whispering to me their stories,
which are part of my own.
The darkness of this season
envelops around me like a gentle blanket
not laden with fear or worry
rather with hope, like a child in the womb.

Isaiah, Jeremiah and John the Baptist
declare what is coming
and what has already come;
I must take up what they have heralded.
Darkness creates a masterpiece,
my eyes adjusting to new ways
of seeing into my heart
and the stirring hope which enlightens it.

Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph
bravely walk to the tune of love
embracing your gifts, deciding to go with trust,
I too must do the same this season and life journey.
Darkness calms my busyness,
dances around my false dreams
calls me to listen, to listen deeply
to you, O God, you with us.

Advent your gifts are
rich and interesting characters
and inviting winter darkness,
reminding me I am not alone,
telling me to raise up my head
for new light is dawning
and I too have my part
in preparing the way.

Come O Come Emmanuel, 
be born in us again.

- inspired by the darkness to dawn of a winter morning prayer time and
the readings of the First Week of Advent.