Friday 24 September 2021

The Dawning of Autumn

Autumn dawns,

greeting me.

I pause.

Captured by the season change

as I lift my eyes so is my heart.

I stand still.

Immersed in color.

Immersed in light.

Awe fills me.

I ask myself:

what is consuming me?

what is changing in me?

what am I immersed in?

Autumn dawns,

God’s goodness present

filling me with peace,

showing me God’s path now,

awakening me to God’s closeness,

guiding me into new ways.

I ask myself:

where do I need to be a bearer of light?

how do I need to be in this season?

what am I harvesting?

Autumn dawns,

a new season

in creation,

in life,

in me.

I stand still.

Immersed in light.

Immersed in this liminal time.

Divine Love fills me.

Photos: MJP

Sunday 19 September 2021

Beatitudes During a Demanding Time

Blessed are the times

when words feel flat and empty

meaning and depth will arise again.

Blessed are the moments

when we feel separated from life

wholeness will again prevail.

Blessed are the moments

when being quiet is tough

peace will make its way known.

Blessed are the times

when creating is challenging 

new ideas always emerge.

Blessed are the times

when energy is drained

rest and restoration are gift.

Blessed are the moments

when loneliness seems constant

remember that we are not alone.

Blessed are the moments 

when things begin to align

step gently into new beginnings.

Blessed are the times

when being awaken and truth are known

God is always here.

Photo Credit: Marvin Meyer


Sunday 12 September 2021

Psalm of Praise

Blessed are you, O God,

Creator, Artist, Inspiration

you weave together all of life

telling the story of your great love.

From prairie vistas and large skies

to mountain tops and forest paths, 

from creeks flowing and oceans roaring

to wheat fields and a single flower,

you constantly display

your goodness, 


and joy.

Your love flows like a waterfall,

it is as strong as the boulders,

as delicate as a lady bug’s wing.

Your love is made known

in creative ways not just once in time

rather over and over again

you infuse your love

in creation, 

in humanity, 

in me.

Your love is painted in every sunset,

stitched into each pinecone,

carved into each shell.

Your love awakens us to new life

stirs us in our ideas

speaks to us of hope.

From the birds of the air

to the fish of the seas,

from the dog at my side

to the giraffe on the Sahara,

from the polar bear of white

to the gecko color changing,

you show forth your creative ways

which inspires us to the same.

Blessed are you, O God.

Photo Credit: Benjamin Davies


Wednesday 1 September 2021

Season of Creation: A Home for All


A Home for All

This is our prayer Creator God

as we begin September and the Season of Creation.*

A Home for All

where the dignity in which you created us

is respected, upheld and celebrated.

A Home for All

where creation too is given its rightful dignity

and appreciation for how Mother Earth sustains us.

A Home for All

where those fleeing terror and destruction

are welcomed and embraced.

A Home for All

where the common good is seen as a gift

not privileged for a few.

A Home for All

where we can appreciate cultures and creation

in our small corner of the world and beyond.

A Home for All

where the goods of the earth are seen

as our sisters and brothers.

A Home for All

where we work together for the care of creation

and the care of each other.

A Home for All

where we listen to stories of each other

and the story of creation.

A Home for All

where we remember that your love and mercy

are ever present and always generous. 

A Home for All

where we are part of the renewal

of your oikos-household. 

A Home for All

this is our prayer to you

our Creator God.

* From September 1 – World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation to October 4 – the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, is known as the Season of Creation in which the Christian family celebrates the good gift of creation. The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. The theme for 2021 is A Home for All: Renewing the Oikos of God. 

Photo Credit: Greg Rosenke