“You are the light of the world. Now a light does not illumine itself, but instead it diffuses its rays and shines all around upon everything that comes into its view.”
– St. John of Capistrano
This reminder from an ancient saint is pertinent today. As our world continues to listen and see the horrors of war, the horrors of rage, the horrors of hate we must remember we are bearers of light. We believe the Divine One is infused in us so we in turn can diffuse this divine light into the world. No matter how dark the edges of the world seem to creep around us, no matter the hurts hurled at us, no matter the aching we can carry in our heart, we are met with a light greater than this all. This light not only meets us but also makes us look at our own dark places. This light invites us to let light be diffused into the darkness and to see with new vision. This vision always brings into view the redeeming and life-giving love of God.
We can sometimes feel insignificant when we look out our hurting world. We must not let ourselves be trapped by this attitude, rather we must remember the Christ – the Divine One lives and moves has his being in us (Acts 17.28). This is an awareness of the light we are and can diffuse into the world, even if just in our little corner. This is how hope and peace take root and strengthen our common bond beyond the walls of our heart.
With November drawing near we call to mind the many great saints known to all and the great saints known only to us. We also recall our deceased loves ones and are reminded of their light. These women, men and children from all walks of life and all places are light bearers. They stand with us encouraging us to diffuse our light into the world. The darkness of the world has always been, if we place our trust in Christ, we can carry light into this darkness and transform it into a place with a great view.
Let us not be discouraged, rather let us rise with all the saints of glory and sing the resurrection song. There is light beyond us and a light within us, let us walk in the light of our Saviour on all the paths of life.
God of Light,
you have infused the light of your Son into our very being,
strengthen us so we may diffuse this light into our world,
no matter how big or how small our world may seem.
Photo Credit: Josh Hild