Monday 13 January 2014

Postulancy: The Journey So Far

The Vocations Director has asked me to reflect upon what my Postulancy year has been like at this halfway point. I offer to you my reflections.

It all began with a question from a Postulant, “Why the heck aren’t you a Franciscan?” Not having an answer to that question I began a discernment process. This led to an application process, which led to an acceptance letter, which led to me resigning from my position, which led to packing up or giving away everything I owned, which led to me bidding farewell to family and friends, which led to me entering this Postulancy year with the Franciscans of Western Canada.

What a journey it has been so far. A new adventure in a new location with new people. From what I have come to discover the Postulancy year has looked different over the history of the order. As I continue in this year I realize how it is a year to help with transition from what life was to life in community and what life will be. My Postulancy has allowed me to let go of the demands of my former life and embrace the growth and challenges of living in community, new areas of ministry and sharing my gifts in new ways. Every day has not been easy to transition from what I knew as life to what I am coming to know as life, but through a supportive director, the community of brothers with whom I live and the prayers and support of family and friends the transition is proving to be life-giving. This year continues to provide so many blessings and opportunities that has opened me up to a greater joy and appreciation for life and the journey.


I have also realized that every Friar that has lived through a Postulancy year grows in their own way and walks into the rest of their formation with different experiences. For myself some of the greatest blessings so far of a Postulancy year here at St. Joseph Friary include a deepening prayer life, interacting with and learning from the brothers who range in age from 38-98, enjoying the benefit of larger community that joins us for daily and weekend Mass, being able to ask questions and receiving a varied and intense response from the Friars, easing my way back into taking classes, days of Recollection, meeting the Poor Clares, being given permission and encouraged to share my gifts, embracing a more healthy balance in life that I was seeking and discovering a deeper joy and peace in my life.

All this leads me to ongoing and deeper discernment, which leads to openness, which leads to trust, which leads to Christ. As I desire to know Christ my Savior even more He continues to be my guide and is directing my path to walk in the footprints of St. Francis. I am thankful for this and the journey so far.


St. Francis, pray for me, for us, for all discerning, for the world.


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