Saturday 12 December 2015

Advent Messengers: Be On the Look Out!

Here we are at the midway point of Advent.

The journeys of this season are full of twists and turns, of highlights and dimly light moments, but through it all we are reminded that God is with us – Emmanuel. The hope of Advent is that we know that God is with us and that we are called again and again to celebrate that gift. The hope of Advent is also that we come to the great feast of Christmas and are filled with light and life no matter our situations.

The journey of Advent and the hope of Advent remind us of God’s messengers. God is constantly sharing a message of love. Are we open to that message?

Some of God’s messengers have said the following…

John the Baptist says: “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do the likewise.” (Luke 3) This is an Advent message indeed and also a good challenge for the Year of Mercy.

The prophet Zephaniah declares: “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, he will renew you in his love.” (3.14-18a) A message of love to encourage us in this Week of Advent Joy.

Saint Paul in his letter to Philippians proclaims: “Do not worry about anything… let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God…will guard your hearts.” (Philippians 4.4-7) Again this is an excellent reminder for us in this Advent journey. I know this one that speaks to me and offers some words of comfort and strength.

Catherine Doherty, foundress of Madonna House, once prayed: “Give me a heart of a Child. Give me the awesome courage to live what it demands.” She reminds us that this is being “utterly trusting, totally open, uninhibited, simple, direct and unafraid.” (Dearly Beloved Vol. II) Wow, huh? That is indeed a good reminder and challenge for the remaining Advent days. It speaks of love, it speaks of hope, and it indeed is a message for our hearts and daily living. It challenges me to be the true Child of God that I am.

So as we enter this third week of Advent, let us be open to God’s message, we just never know who the messenger may be.  It may be a neighbour, a stranger, a Christmas card, a phone call, a hug, a verse of scripture proclaimed, a text message, a listening ear, a song, a child, an adult, a sibling, a parent, a friend, or a brother. God indeed works through messengers. Just ask Mary and Joseph, they had to be open to the message of angel!

Ever Present God,
You are always by my side.

When I forget,
You send a messenger.

When I get to busy,
You send a messenger.

When I am blinded,
You send a messenger.

Thank you for your holy messengers
that move in and out of my life,
that show me your signs and guide my path.

My destination is You, O God,
my destination is You.

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