Sunday 22 October 2017


Being overwhelmed often has a negative connotation to it however, last Sunday I had an experience that overwhelmed me in such a positive way. I tried to capture it in written word which still pales in comparison to the actual experience. This moment of being overwhelmed happened before, during and after Mass.  It was such a beautiful gift and one that continues to sit with me, stir my heart, causes me to dream and feeds my prayer.

On this Sunday morning
as I gather for the Eucharist
surrounded by the children of God
I am overwhelmed by the diversity
of my brothers and sisters.

The diversity of age and race
coming from all walks of life
the poor and rich, the hurting and healing,
the neighbour, the stranger, the friend
I am overwhelmed by the beauty of this communion.

It is here I feel at home
overwhelmed by the goodness each offers
all striving for a deeper connection,
all seeking strength for the journey,
all desiring nourishment for the mission.

It is good to be here and to go from here,
it is good to be united even in our uniqueness,
it is good to celebrate, pray and seek together,
for together we are overwhelmed by the love of God
and the One – Christ Jesus – who makes us one.

This is a good way to be overwhelmed.

This being overwhelmed led me to write a litany of intercessions for the Body of Christ whom I encounter in the journey and when gathered for the Eucharist. As I strive to be a vessel that radiates the joy of the gospel I continually raise up in prayer those who are one with me in the Body of Christ. I invite you to pray with me.

O Lord, in your great love hear our prayer.

For the sick and the suffering
For those who care for the hurting
For the abused and abandoned
For those who let love be the way
For those dealing with trauma
For those who build community
For those dealing with disasters
For those who serve in time of need
For the ones who long for life
For the ones who see the good in all
For those who serve generously
For those who teach and live forgiveness
For those who give what they can
For those who struggle to make ends meet
For children – for their safety, freedom, life
For parents and grandparents
For teenagers For families and friends and communities
For families in difficult situations
For teachers, nurses, social workers
For ministers and church leaders
For those seeking for answers
For volunteers
For those who serve in soup kitchens
For those who work in safe shelters
For first responders
For the poor
For those caught in addictions
For all who create a better world
For all who live in joy
For all who inspire
For a greater respect for life and creation

I give all into your hands O Lord.    Amen.

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