Sunday 28 January 2018

Chosen & Called

The psalm for this Sunday proclaimed: "O that today you would listen to the voice of the Lord. Do not harden your hearts!" This is exactly what I have been working on over the past few weeks in my prayer. It is not always easy to tune out the noise to hear God's voice, however God's voice is in our every day and every season. This week I share with you a reflection I recently wrote for a class. The psalm reminded me of it and and in it I hear God's voice. God is indeed always at work and so I continue to work on listening because I truly believe we are each chosen and called.

However we might understand God’s will,
we should seek to find it revealed in our deepest desires.
-          John Sachs  in “The Christian Vision of Humanity”
We all seek meaning and purpose in life. We desire to be appreciated and valued, we expect our dignity and rights to be upheld and expect the golden rule to be the rule that guides our living. This is true for each human being no matter our walk of life, our situation, our religion, our orientation or our country of birth. It is in this seeking, this value, this dignity, this rule of living that our deepest desires intersect with other’s deepest desires and with the deepest desire of God. God’s deepest desire, I believe, is for all God’s children to know love and to love, for freedom to embrace God’s will and to know they are chosen and called.

Our deepest desires call us down many paths in life and we may be called many things throughout our life time, but “chosen, called and loved” are the greatest words spoken to each of us.  Whether through family, friends, colleagues, peers, teachers, children, seniors or whomever, it is the voice of God that must be heard in our name being called - declaring us as chosen and loved.

One just has to turn to the gospel story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) to see how truly and madly and deeply in love God is with us and all creation. We can also see this dignity solidified in the letter of John when he declares, “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are” (1 John 3:1). This is the dignity of vocation that is not a “flash in the pan moment” rather a process; a life time of being open to God’s will and listening for and seeking how it connects to our deepest desires. God knows our hearts and the good desires that are deep in our hearts so intimately that God desires for us to fulfill them for the betterment of the kingdom and the reign of love and justice. This is only possible through “practices of discernment” and embracing a “lifelong understanding of vocation” (K. Cahalan). I have come to see how this is true in my own journey but only upon reflecting on what has been and where I am today.

            Understanding our whole lives as a calling takes time. When we are children we desire to be adults, when we are students we desire to be working, when we are working we desire to be retired and when we are retired we desire freedoms. This seeking and yearning can cause us to miss the moments of those particular years of our life and that of a lifelong vocation. We must live the seasons of our lives and not constantly desire to be living another part of our lives. St. Francis of Assisi challenges us to be generative in our living the seasons of our lives, “the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon all those men and women who have done and preserved in these things and it will make a home and dwelling place in them. And they will be the children of the heavenly Father, whose works they do. And they are spouses, brothers and mothers of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (St. Francis of Assisi – “Later Admonition”) This is the work and fruit of vocation, to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit and to embrace our dignified roles as spouses, siblings and parents of Jesus our whole lifelong. For me, this is understanding vocation as being chosen and called, for I am constantly called “to be spouse, to be brother and to be mother” of Jesus in each season of life.

            I truly believe as children of God we are all chosen (Romans 8:15-17), and I appreciate that I am being called continually and fulfilling my call in each season of my life, in each time and space in which I live. Kathleen Cahalan, in her book “Calling All Years Good”, speaks of the anxiety and fear that some feel in missing “God’s one call.” This I can understand and have felt this same anxiety at points in my journey. Getting caught in the “what if?” or “how do I know?” or “will I be any good?” moments can indeed be fearful. However through the nourishment of the Eucharist, scripture, the desire to be part of community, good people and life experiences I have learned that discerning is never over and fear has no place in the lifelong journey of discernment (even though it tries to rear its ugly head). Trying to appreciate this and how this allows for my desires and God’s will to continually intertwine is still unfolding in my life. I do see that the divine spark within us is ignited at birth and through baptism, it is enflamed by Christ present in others on the journey, circumstances and life lived. As I transitioned from life as a lay pastoral minister to life as a Franciscan I have been opened up to the reality of discernment and not getting stuck in the “one call only mode.” I have more and more been able to say “thanks be to God” for the journey and the continual discernment that gives flesh to my desires, deepens my spiritual life and my craving to be a vessel for the Triune God. Even in the moments when contemplation, pondering and discernment seem painful and difficult I know that God provides light for the path (John 8:12), wind to fan the flame (John 3:8) and wisdom to leap into my darkness (Wisdom 18:15).

            Cahalan’s study stated that “most communities are not places of calling.” This statement saddens me for it means that we are not valuing the relationships of community – of the kingdom – and acknowledging that Christ dwells among us; for he pitched his tent among us (John 1:14). Families and communities are the first place where we hear what it is to be called. Our name is called and cooed by our parents and it is declared in the sacrament of baptism; it is here that we first hear the voice of Jesus declaring us as chosen. For if Christ chose to pitch his tent among us and live among us then indeed we are chosen and this is our vocation story.

Each of us is called to pitch our tents around Christ and encourage others to do the same. I know in my own journey this is true, for in the many communities in which I have lived they have always been places of calling. It was not about my parents saying, “you’ll be a good brother someday!” or neighbours saying, “why don’t you study to be a priest?” or parishioners saying, “what will be next for you?” It was in my parents appreciating my abilities and challenging me to use my skills to serve and build community. It was in neighbours encouraging me in accomplishments and acknowledging that I am a valued member of the community. It was in parishioners working with me to make our parish community a place of welcome. It is now as a Friar, through my vows and my brothers’ help that I see my desires and hopes united with God’s will as I yearn to be guided by the rule of St. Francis. This has been the constant pitching of my tent near Christ and living the gospel. This is living a vocational life for it is in all the seasons of my life that I am called to be a Christ bearer. For in Christ pitching his tent among us it has revealed God’s love and this love has encompassed me. It is though this love in communities as places of calling that I have been able to make ready a place for Christ to pitch his tent again and again. In staying near to Christ I can embrace the changes that come in the seasons of my life and to recognize that he is also here among us now.

Being an open vessel for the Triune God has become a common prayer for me. My mantra or motto has been: “Lord help me to be a living tabernacle and living icon for you.” This is the metanoia of my vocation.  I continually allow the Spirit to work through me and open myself up to this movement.  This along with listening to my heart (for being a living tabernacle means Christ dwells there) and opening up my imagination (through prayer, music, new experiences, dialogue, listening to other’s stories) allows God to work through me whether in great ways or small ways, general tasks or a specialized field. It is here that I come to see that the Jesus story is not ended for he lives in me and in all God’s children.

Saint Francis once said, “I have done what is mine to do; may Christ teach you what is yours!” What is mine to do is to embrace the lifelong vocation journey that encompasses all the seasons of my life and creates a fullness. What is mine to do is to embrace the dignity which is mine as a child of God because of the love of Christ and his Spirit who enlivens my desires and imagination calls me to the fullness of life, “For in him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28). What is mine to do may not look the same as yours, or my brothers or even my siblings and my friends but what unites us is that we are all chosen and called. The seasons of my vocational life, if you will, are the newness of spring, the refreshment of summer, the harvesting of autumn and the stillness of winter. What more could I desire for in this chosen and called life of mine?

Saturday 20 January 2018

A Little Farther

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying,‘This is the time of fulfillment, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.
As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Come, Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’ And immediately they left their nets and followed him. As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.
- Mark 1:14-20

This Sunday's Gospel was the the focus of a day of Recollection (mini retreat) for our community today. There is so much to reflect on in this gospel, however the phrase "a little farther" stirred in me and brought forth this reflection.

Can you go
On for the journey?
More to see,
Experience and be.

From day one I was 
Opened up to
Listen to your voice,
Learned to hear your voice
Only to go deeper
With hope and promise.

My life continues to unfold
Encountering you in the everyday.

The way, the truth, the life - you are
Hope-filled, joy-filled, servant-heart living I strive for
In many ways each each and every day,
Serving you, seeking you... my all.

In moments great and moments small,
Sometimes tough, sometimes not.

The question comes once again,
How about it? can you go a little farther?
Entering the dance with me?

Touching my heart, I pause
Is this transformation, I wonder?
My all I desire to give to you
Eyes filled with wonder I say yes!

Then I hear what seems like a glad whisper...
I will make you a fisher of people.

Saturday 13 January 2018

Come and See

Image result for jesus invitation

John 1.35-42 
"We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, who brings us grace and truth."

“Come and see,” Jesus says.

Come and see the call to life and transformation.
Come and see the needs of sister and brother.
Come and see the gift of love and mercy freely given.
Come and see the Savior, our redeemer.

Come and see what life is meant to be.
Come and see what freedom truly is.
Come and see what value each are given.
Come and see what is hope and how it can be.

Come and see how we can be fulfilled.
Come and see how we are called to serve.
Come and see how the Good News sets us free.
Come and see how the journey unfolds daily.

“Come and see.” Jesus says,
like Andrew I try to quick respond,
my following may be questioned filled
but come and see is what I strive for.

Not out of curiosity or pleasantries
rather out of promise and of hope,
for the One who says,  “Come and see”
He alone is our Emmanuel.

“Come and see,” Jesus says,
I say, “Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.”
He takes my hand and leads me on
for he knows the better way.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Epiphany: The Path of Light

Image result for christmas light in darkness
Light is such a powerful image. It calls at us, it beckons us, and it stirs us.

Those of us who live in the Northern hemisphere maybe appreciate light a bit more during the winter months. Even with all the technology we have with lights and electricity there is still something powerful about a light piercing the darkness.

The other night I went for a walk and wondered into park. The park was dark with only a few lamps scattered near the entrance. In the distance I saw Christmas lights on a tree and I knew I needed to go. They were calling me, they were drawing me in, they were saying, “Come and see.” So I went. I walked and walked though dark parks, through a gorge, up through streets lit with street lights; as I went noticing homes that had Christmas lights in windows, in front bushes, along walk ways.

The first Christmas lights that called to me were from a tall evergreen; white lights wrapped from top to bottom. It was majestic and magnificent and yet called me to go on. So I went on. The next sets of lights were strung in the bare branches of trees that hung over several yards and the street. Multi-colored and beautiful they seemed to surround me and called me to let go of all that was on my mind. I was moved with delight and joy. I was filled with the Christmas amazement that we know as children. I was speechless and yet tried to express how amazing were these simple lights creating a glowing canopy. The gift of wonder and awe took hold of me. I just took it all in, stood under the trees, moved around them, smiled, it was like the world and all its noise disappeared. I was caught up in light and yet these lights seemed to say, “There is more. Go on. Seek and discover.” So I went on. I noticed more homes with lights, Christmas trees still aglow peeking through windows, hedges still twinkling the way. I journeyed on around a bend and noticed lights in the distance. White lights, bright lights, lots of them seeming to make a path. The closer I drew the more lights there seemed to be and they truly were lining a way. A construction site with white lights marking the fenced off area yet greeting me with “Merry Christmas” and then a break in the lights and a pathway emerged and on the other side more lights leading to this pathway and yet blocking off the other construction site. I was so taken by these lights that I hadn’t looked down the pathway when I did I saw another majestic tree wrapped with white lights from bottom to top. I then noticed an angel atop a building and a star/cross as well which led me to a nativity scene made of lights.

“Come and See” echoed in my ears. I trod up this path; surrounded by the white lights blocking off the construction site, to the nativity scene. I smiled again with even greater delight. I paused in a quiet moment that can only be described as prayer and then whispered thank you. I was filled up. Wonder and awe seemed to overflow. Like the Bethlehem star of long ago these lights led me to the manger. I indeed was grateful for this moment and the reminder that God breaks into our darkness, that God’s love is a piercing light and that God is light and Jesus – our Emmanuel – is the Light of the World. It was in this moment I came to appreciate even more Isaiah’s wisdom and challenge, “Arise, shine for your light has come.”

Where has light pierced the darkness of our lives?
As we look back on 2017 who were light bearers on the journey?
As we begin 2018 how can we carry light into the world?

Epiphany is the transition feast which calls us from the gifts of Christmas to bring our gifts and light into the world. Can we do it?

Yes Lord,
you call us to life and into your light,
may we radiate you and shine forth
your love, mercy, goodness and joy.
We know your star continually guides us to you,
thank you also for the other lights that light the way.
We pray for courage to walk from Christmas with its gifts
and share them and your light with the world.
