Sunday 25 February 2018

Lent: The Season of Love is Transforming

The Second Sunday of Lent always brings us to the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. It is a great reminder of what this Lenten Season of Love calls us to and how to live. It calls us to look at our living, our patterns, and our everyday to see what needs to be transformed.

What needs to be made new?

What needs to become dazzling?

Where is it good to be right now?

Where do we need to build up?

Who needs to hear that they are beloved?

Who calls us beloved?

What mountain do we need to walk down?

What message do we need to hold deep within us?

This past week I had the great gift to spend some time apart by myself. It was not up a mountain but rather into rolling hills and valley to a tiny wooden cabin. It was secluded, it is was simple and it was needed. It was a combination of quiet, rest, prayer, listening and sharing in some of the activities of my hosts. The difference in the pattern of my day, the simplicity of my location, the gift of quiet were full of simple moments of transfiguration. It is amazing what time apart can do for one’s soul, journey and vision. I believe it is in these simple precious moments that we are transfigured – we come to see with fresh eyes, we are moved to action, we can declare what is good in our journey and in quieting ourselves we too hear, “You are my beloved!”

This past week also provided the opportunity for me to enjoy some time with good people. Now as I reflect back upon the week in light of the transfiguration of Jesus I too can echo Peter’s words, “It is good for us to be here.” However, I can also see that the being here in all of the moments with these good people in my life were simply moments, they were not a permanent dwellings building time but rather a moment to appreciate the rich blessings of those who journey with me, those who remind me of God’s love, those who serve well, those who share insights and perspectives, those who listen, those who remind me that in the quiet (and in activity) each of us are beloved.

With the Lenten Season of Love in full swing now I ponder how I’m doing with the gift of this season. I am thankful for the time apart and the time with good people. It makes me consider my Lenten goals again and reminds me to be present in this Season of Love and to be a bearer of love.

I might not get another few days apart by myself and I may not have much time to linger in long conversations or around table again this Lent, however the transfiguration story reminds me that I must come down the mountain and be present in the journey that leads to the lasting light of the Resurrection.

I pray that each of us may find even a few moments this week to be apart by ourselves (even if that means standing the shower just a bit longer) to be quiet enough and to see with fresh eyes the dazzling love of our God. In whatever that moment or moments may be this week and in our interactions with good people may we hear the words “you are my beloved” whispered to us. Yes, this Season of Love truly is about Transformation… where and how do we embrace this gift?

Strength, courage and dazzling moments 
to fill this Lenten week of love.

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