Sunday 25 March 2018

Holy Week: The Season of Love

This Lenten Season of Love has been pushing us forward to this gateway, to the gateway of Holy Week. We must now push open these doors and enter in.

We enter into a week that speaks of love, love shared, love tested, love given, love lived and love as way of life. This love we speak of is a love that is beyond heart shaped candy, flowers given or the ‘just right’ gift. This love is about deep listening, it is about compassion, it is about hope, it is about sacrifice.

In this Holy Week we are called to go into the depths of the heart and look at love...

From the heart of a mother who watches as her son is robbed of his life,
From the heart of friends who are confused and lost in fear,
From the heart of those on the sidelines looking on wondering, struggling, full of doubt,
From the heart of a passerby called into action,
From the heart of a thief whose final moments of life are given dignity,
From the heart of an official whose life is changed because of love outpoured,
From our own heart, wherever we are on this journey
       – with our own concerns, doubts, fears, hopes and crosses to carry,

From the heart of Christ, whose heart only knows love and how to give of it all...

who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross. 
-    Philippians 2.6-11

Holy Week gives us so much to ponder and reflect on. Can we take the time to go deep into our heart and enter into this transforming love? Can we allow this journey we have been on in this Season of Love to draw us deeply into this Week of weeks? The choice is ours... our Savior is already here waiting for us at the gateway... are we ready?

We adore You, Lord Jesus Christ and we bless You because by You holy cross You have redeemed the world and shown us that every season is a Season of Love.

Blessings on your Holy Week.

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