Saturday 6 October 2018



A heart full of praise for:

Blessings upon blessings,

Light in the darkness,

Endless hope to build upon,

Skills, abilities, gifts and talents,

The call to holiness and sainthood,

Good people – great and small,

Hugs shared,

Forgiveness and understanding,

Tasks accomplished,

Lessons learned,

Deepening peace,

The challenge of gospel living,

Joy which words fail to describe,

Dreams, ideas and creativity,

A source greater than myself,

Creation that reminds me of beauty,

Surprises instilling awe in me,

Listening ears and gentle prodding,

Quiet prayer,

The Eucharist – a gift of love,

The senses calling me to life,

Measureless love,

Discipleship and companionship,

Whispers of the heart,

My heart beat striving to be in tune with God

and propelling me into this gift of life,

For all these and so much more I give you thanks O God.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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