Monday 28 October 2019

A Litany for Today

For the still morning crisp air of fall
For the big blue sky which never ends
For overcast and foggy views
For sunshine breaking through the grey
                                God of Creation we thank you.
Where anger rises above reason
Where divisions continue to make a gap
Where individualism takes a stand
Where fear makes itself known
                                God of Peace show us right ways.

For leaders of countries and nations
For those who respond to crisis
For families living in chaos
For those who work for the good of all
                                God of Goodness guide and protect us.

Where communities rise up together
Where forgiveness becomes common ground
Where conversation leads to charity
Where respect builds bridges
                                God of Love be our strength.

For moments of quiet, of rest and of prayer
For safe places and places which become home
For bonds strengthened and affirming
For hope each day even when not seen clearly
                                God of Hope with us always.

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