Monday 18 May 2020

#LaudatoSi5 - Morning Praise

Morning Praise 

Valley air 
freshness lofts in 
and all around, 
hymns of the birds 
lifts my soul, 
gently kisses the day, 
shades of green 
awakening to life 
all lifting 
their praise to God.

A distant barking dog
calling for play,
the cawing rooster 
chimes in too, 
day unfolding gently 
with invitation
the bell tolls 
the day begins. 

I arise 
adding my praise, 
lifting my heart 
to God.

This poem was written while I was on pilgrimage in Italy. It was written at Greccio, a favorite place of St. Francis of Assisi and where he created the first creche scene.

Laudato Si' Action:
Do you have a favorite place in creation? 
Have you given thanks to God for this place?
What are your Morning Praises?

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