Saturday 29 August 2020

To Be Called Brother

I am often asked what it means to be a Franciscan Brother. As I reflected on my first year since my Solemn Profession and look ahead to another year the following reflection surfaced. I tried to capture the aspects of my life which are key to who I am as a human, as a Christian and how my vows guide my daily living as a Brother; even when I am unaware.


To Be Called Brother

Called to be

Called to serve

Called to fullness

as a brother.


Called to poverty

Called to chastity

Called to obedience

as a brother.


Called to joy

Called to generosity

Called to fraternity

as a brother.


Called to prayer

Called to wash feet

Called to community

as a brother.


Called to rejoice

Called to ponder

Called to hope always

as a brother.


Called to stillness

Called to listen

Called to presence

as a brother.


Called to trust

Called to friendship

Called to gratitude

as a brother.


Called to awareness

Called to depth

Called to freshness

as a brother.


Called to love

Called to witness

Called to holiness

as a brother.


Called to celebrate

Called to worship

Called to life

as a brother.


Called to be generative

Called to the gospel

Called with Saint Francis

as a brother.



Called a brother

Called by name

by our God.


In being called I realize the value of my baptismal calling and how it is the gift which is at the core of my vocation as a Religious Brother. Through the struggles and challenges and trials I am still called. How I respond in those times speak to how I desire to live out my call. How I respond in times of gratitude and joy should also be a reflection of the good news. I can assure you it is an ever evolving and life-long progression.

As the refrain of the song Anthem sings: We are called, we are chosen. We are Christ for one another. We are promised to tomorrow, while we are for him today.” If in my calling as a Religious Brother I can be a witness of and for Christ then hopefully I am holding true to the promise that Christ is with us now. I am also reminded of our eternal home being made known in small ways here and now. This is what I’m learning it means in being a Religious Brother.

How are you called? How are you chosen? 

How do others encounter Christ through you?


Blessings on you and your families 

as we begin a new month this week.


                                                                    Artwork by: Yevgenia Petrenko, ofs - Ukraine

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