Friday 6 November 2020

Keep Awake

Here we are launched into November with lesser daylight and colder weather enfolding us. I find this month often calls us to settle in, to listen differently, to take stock of what we know has been and how we want to step into the final weeks of the year. The scripture for this weekend encourages this settling into our heart, listening and taking stock.

The 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (which is this Sunday, November 8) scripture presents us with the reminder of the gift of wisdom (Wisdom 6.12-16), and seeking true wisdom. Psalm 63 also calls to our attention our yearning for truth, as our body and soul thirsts for union with God. In gospel we are reminded to keep awake. To be attentive to God coming to us in the everyday (so as to prepare our hearts for the feasts that linger not to far off). Let us with the wise bridesmaids of the parable (Matthew 25.1-13) keep awake – be attentive – listen closely for the God moments that will unfold in the week ahead. They may come at odd hours or at inopportune moments but they will have a message for us and our heart, all we need to do is keep awake or maybe be reawakened to our God with us.


Keep Awake

Keep Awake

the reminder comes

as days grow shorter

Keep awake

with the eye of the heart

and the depth of the soul


Keep awake

allow wisdom to whisper

be attentive to hope


Keep awake

“wisdom is radiant and unfading”*

let us be like the wise bridesmaids


Keep awake

wisdom quenches the thirsty soul

nourishing also the tired body


Keep awake

not with worldly knowledge alone

attune the heart to deep truth


Keep awake

let thirsting be for fullness

aware of God’s steadfast love always


Keep awake

let praise be on your lips

let your eyes be lifted up


Keep awake

in the mundane of the day

while the mind races and the heart waits


Keep awake

the feast is plentiful

all are welcomed


Keep awake

listen, be still, listen

wisdom comes to an open heart


Keep awake

ponder the closeness of our God

consider God’s very breath in yours


Keep awake

whether morning, noon or night

our God comes to us


Keep awake

glimpses of the divine are all around

God’s deep care everyday


Keep awake

oh, thirsting soul

for the day, the hour is now


Keep awake

for the day, the hour

is here and again


Keep awake

Keep awake

Keep Awake.


*Wisdom 6.12

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