Saturday 3 April 2021

Easter: In Our Midst – Mary Magdalene


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.... Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord." 

                                                                       – John 20.1,18


Highlight and right click on the link below to go to an experience of one the Easter Sunday stories in a contemporary setting. The video was crafted and created by Otto Rieder, age 12.

St. Mary Magdalene - the Apostle to the Apostles, is our companion for this Easter Season. She is our companion as we rejoice in the good news of the resurrection. She, the one entrusted to share the good news of the resurrection of Jesus indeed walks with us helping us to see and hear good news in our life. She is our companion asking us to remember, return and recall the gifts of being an Easter people.

Come with me to the empty tomb,

Come and see what I have seen.

Come and know the truth I know

come and see: He lives! He lives!


Come with me to the empty tomb

Remember his stories and ways.

Remember his message of love so deep.

Remember the promise: He would rise!


Come with me to the empty tomb

Return with hope and great joy.

Return to your loved ones renewed.

Return with good news: Our Savior reigns!


Come with me to the empty tomb

Recall that he will be with us always.

Recall that his new life is ours too.

Recall the gift: Peace be with you!


Come with me to the empty tomb,

Come and see what I have seen.

Come and know Jesus Christ is alive.

Come and see! Alleluia! Alleluia!



Saint Mary Magdalene 

walk with us and pray for us.

Easter Blessings!



Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Alleluia!



Easter Meal Blessing:


God of Life,

on this day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,

we give thanks and praise

for the blessings of our life:

for family and friends,

for work and leisure,

for plants and animals,

for seasons and time,

for food and drink.


As we share in this Easter Meal

may we do so with a grateful heart

for all who have helped bring this meal to our table.

May our hearts also

be aware of those who struggle this day,

be concerned for the less fortunate and hurting,

be attentive to the lonely and the sick,

be transformed to be messengers of good news.


Bless this Easter Feast and all the days of this Season.

We ask this in name of Jesus who is risen from the dead 

and lives for ever and ever. Amen. Alleluia!


Christ is Risen! Alleluia!





No new posts for the next couple of weeks.



Icon: "Turn Toward the Good" - Mary Magdalene

Divine Mercy Risen Jesus

by C. Ziprick – Soul Sibling Studios ©


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