Friday 21 May 2021

Pentecost: The Dwelling of the Holy Spirit


And hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us. – Romans 5.5

Pentecost brings to a close the great festival of Easter, reminding us we are sent forth as witnesses of hope, love and the good news entrusted to us. The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to all people and as the text from Romans reminds us the Spirit dwells within us. This has always amazed me – our God that close – dwelling within us, in our every breath. We often pray “Come Holy Spirit” and yet the Spirit is already here. May we become more attuned and attentive to how the Spirit is living and moving in us. It need not be in grandiose moments but rather in the steps forward each day.


Holy Spirit

you who enkindles

in me the fire

of your love

you who awakens

in me the depth

of your love

you who stirs

in me the joy

of your love 

I welcome you here

you are here

with each breath.


Holy Spirit

you who are

so close to me

like a breath 

you who are

so near to me

like the air

you who are

so entwined in me

like my blood 

I welcome you here

you are here

my life-line.

Holy Spirit

you who moves

in and through me

dance with me

you who delights

in dreams and ideas

inspire me

you who rises up

in me and my living

guide me

I welcome you here

you are here

my companion.


Holy Spirit

you who are

the ultimate gift-giver

showing me how to give 

you who are

the life-force of all

direct my living

you who are

God the source of love

my very all

I welcome you here

you are here

today, tomorrow and always.


My heart is your

dwelling place, tabernacle, home

you are always welcome here

you are always here.


Welcome Holy Spirit – the door is open.



Pentecost is the Feast Day for the Franciscans of Canada. 
The Holy Spirit is our patron as we continue to preach the gospel in Canada. 
We humbly ask for your continued prayers and support.

Peace and All Good.




Photo Credits:

Mateus Campos Felipe

Valdemaras D.

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