Friday 4 June 2021

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

broken and shared

for you, for me and for all.

The Body of Christ

broken and fragmented

hurting and grieving.

The Body of Christ

215 names we don’t know

families left broken.

The Body of Christ

bombed out again

broken hearts and pieces.

The Body of Christ

tired and broken

pandemic stricken.

The Body of Christ

left alone because I’m different

broken in my inflicted shame.

The Body of Christ

two sides of a country

broken by false promises.

The Body of Christ

stolen and held captive

broken homes left in tatters.

The Body of Christ

on foot across many miles

broken in the search of freedom.

The Body of Christ

discriminated because of color

dignity robbed, broken by force.

The Body of Christ

deforested and polluted

our sister Earth so broken.

The Body of Christ 

you and me

us and them.

The Body of Christ

gift for all people

healing and remedy.

The Body of Christ

hope never ceases

rising up from the ashes.

The Body of Christ

stronger than our despair

feast for the hungry.

The Body of Christ

source of all goodness

holy and worthy.

The Body of Christ

balm for our heartaches

ointment for our wounds.

The Body of Christ

many shades of holy diversity

a refuge and a shelter.

The Body of Christ

here and now

back then, in steps ahead.

The Body of Christ

love is present

even if unseen.

The Body of Christ

our brother and savior

with us in our brokenness. 

The Body of Christ   

broken and shared

for you, for me and for all.

Photo Credits:

McKenna Phillips

Jon Tyson

Rui Silva

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