Friday 25 March 2022

Snapshot 4: True Prodigal Freedom


from moonrise to moonrise

we all seek freedom.


We must look into our living, asking ourselves:

where am I squandering my freedom?

where am I stealing freedom from others?

when am I truly free to taste and see God’s goodness?


The Prodigal Father,

The Prodigal Son,

The Elder Son,

each ask us to seek true freedom,

freedom found in the

compassion and mercy of God

which is good, very good.



Scripture Inspiration: Luke 15, Psalm 34



God of Freedom,

this season of Lent speaks to us of your prodigal love

and how your love is the gift of true prodigal freedom.


As we continue into the middle of this Lent open our eyes to see clearly

the true freedom which you offer us from sunset to sunset

and how we can embody the goodness of this freedom

with actions and words of compassion and mercy.




Photo Credit: Cadence H.

(R.M. of Chester, SK)

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