Saturday 18 June 2022

God the Restorer and Nourisher Prayer

“God shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher…”  - Ruth 4.15

You, O God,
Are my restorer of life
like the rain and sun are for the earth.
You are a nourisher
like the variety of foods that fill my plate.
You restore me
awakening in me all that is good and holy,
the truth of who I am.
You nourish me
with your life your life-giving word
and the Body and Blood of Christ your Son.
You restore me
to fullness filling me with hope.
You nourish me
for the journey of today and all days.
With gratitude, I give you praise
and bless your holy name!

Summer Blessings! 

Let us be open to where God is meeting us this summer!

Posts will continue to be sporadic over the next few months.

Photo credit: Mehmet Ali Turan

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