Thursday 1 September 2022

Season of Creation: Listening to the Voice of Creation

The Season of Creation begins on September 1 and continues to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4. It is a season which Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew have implemented and have encouraged. It is a time to not only enjoy the bounty of the earth but also to consider our actions or lack of actions towards safe guarding the environment.

Our sister Mother Earth continues to provide for us, and we (selfishly or not) receive her gifts. As we begin this month of listening to the voice of creation, I have to ask myself what am I grateful for in the small part of this sacred ground on which I live? And what is creation inviting me to do to help sustain her? I ask you these same questions as means of reflecting during this season.

I am thankful for the colours of sunrise and sunset, for the variety of produce coming in the from the garden, for the cool breezes after warm summer days, for the trees of all kinds and styles, just to name a few.

Creation is inviting me to pay attention to her rhythms and cycles, so as to set mine to be more in tune with creation. This is an invitation to use less energy and pay attention to times of rest before producing again.

May our common efforts, individual efforts and prayers continue to be a witness of giving glory and praise to our Creator God.


Creator God,

you call us co-creators and stewards,

stir up in our hearts

the courage to listen to creation

and so listen to you

in the messages of hope,

sustained life and beauty.


Bless those who daily work

for the good of the environment

and bring to our attention the

goodness of Mother Earth.




St. Francis of Assisi – pray for us.




Photo credit: Gabriel Jimenez

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