Tuesday 3 January 2023

Epiphany 2023: Sounds of the Season


As we begin a new year and draw near to the Feast of Epiphany, what sounds are filling your life, your home, your heart?


Is that of guests who you have enjoyed time with during this Christmas Season?

Is it the echoes of a voice of a loved one who you miss?

Is it music which is filling your soul?

Is it the words of a promise for this new year?

Is it hope?

Is it love?

Is it Christ?


The new year is always an opportunity to reflect back on what was and to look ahead renewed. Regardless if we are resolution makers or gratitude listers or neither, it is important to pause and listen to what our heart is saying and what we hear in the stillness.


As the Magi journeyed towards their destination, I’m sure there were many quiet moments but they must have had many conversations, sharing thoughts, ideas and dreams. Conversations about the Messiah, about the signs in the sky, about their expectations and longings. Sharing thoughts from their backgrounds and cultures and ideas of what could be and dreams for what the Messiah could offer for the peoples. I imagine after this there was then the quiet stillness allowing the sharing to steep in their hearts.


Who are you in conversation with?

Who do you need to have a conversation with as this new year begins and the great feast of the manifestation of God is upon us? What needs to be said?

What thoughts, ideas and dreams do you need to listen to and bring to life?

What is it about these ideas and dreams (God used dreams to give messages) that are speaking to you? What is your heart hearing?

Where are you allowing quiet stillness to give you space to listen?


The Magi asked, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?”

This is a question we must ask ourselves.

Where is the Christ Child, with all his wonder and awe and love, in your life?

Have I been seeking this Child and what he offers to me in freedom?

When have I fallen down to adore and give thanks for the blessings of this Holy Child?


These are a lot of questions for us to ponder during this Epiphany time. As Christmas bells begin to fade, carols start to soften and festive sounds disappear, may the sounds which have filled this season now invite you into a quiet season to ponder. May this time to reflect then empower you to “rise up” with holy curiosity and courage to walk in the splendor of the Child of Light born for us and for all people.


A few songs for your listening and heart reflection as we continue the celebration of Christmas, begin a New Year and journey towards Epiphany!


The Light Came Down – Josh Garrels

An invitation to pay attention to the message of the Light.


We Three Kings – The Hound + The Fox, Tim Foust

A reminder that our journey is not done alone and that our gifts are valuable.


Rise Up in Splendor – Aaron Thompson

The call to walk in the light, trusting the voice of God is speaking to our heart.


Refugee King – Liz Vice, Hannah Glavor

The voices of our hurting world continue to call, let us pay attention to where we encounter the Christ Child.



As we journey under the Star of Wonder,

may our ears and hearts be attentive

to the song God sung through Christ

born among us, born for us,

so to fill us with the sound of love

and the beauty of light

as we carry this love and light

into the world

each day of this New Year.



Epiphany Blessings! Happy New Year!





Photo Credit: Robert Thiemann

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