Saturday 25 March 2023

Lent V: Lazarus


Seeking new life

amongst the tombs of life

leaves me bound up.


Broken hearted and left questioning,

called to trust and believe,

is new life possible?


New life for me,

here and now,

it seems impossible.


Even the Son of God

was disturbed greatly

and wept bitterly.


So, I too must able

to express my sorrow

and the agony of letting go.


When I do face what binds me

I am met again and again

with the promise of hope.


Jesus says: I am

the resurrection

and the life.


I know he hears my prayers,

he feels my pain

and comforts my sorrow.


The stench of life

has no grip on me,

for God’s love is greater.


I am unbound,

I believe,

I am Lazarus – free!



Photo Credit: Pablo Heimplatz

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