Saturday 15 April 2023

Easter Encounters

Easter Greetings!

Spending time with the Resurrection accounts this Easter week has allowed for pondering, insights and Easter Hope to settle in me and my journey. Along with Easter Hope comes Easter Joy which has been a reminder of Christ Risen always with us. As we continue into the Easter Season, I offer two poems. I will be taking a pause from posting reflections over the next several weeks. I pray Easter Hope and Joy continue to fill you and your homes during this season of new life.


Much peace and all good.


The Empty Tomb

The empty tomb

calls us to be

messengers of the good news

like Mary Magdalene.

The empty tomb

calls us to be

filled with awe

like the myrrh bearing women.


The empty tomb

calls us to be

heralds of hope

like Simon Peter.


The empty tomb

calls us to be

renewed in faith

like the disciple Thomas.


The empty tomb

calls us to be

dwellings of love

like the apostle John.


The empty tomb

calls us to be

sanctuaries of the Holy Spirit

like Mother Mary.


The empty tomb

calls us to

new life and new vision

now and for ever.



Alleluia! Alleluia!



In Breaking Bread

In the breaking of the bread

love is strengthened

truth is poured out

relationship is restored.


In the breaking of the bread

our Saviour

our Redeemer

our Way is made known.


In the breaking of the bread

we become one

we are called to serve

we become messengers of hope.


In the breaking of the bread

Christ has died

Christ is Risen

Christ continuously comes to us.


In the breaking of the bread

community gathers

we celebrate and remember

gifts and graces of love outpoured.


In the breaking of the bread

we know Christ Jesus

offering ourselves with him

for the life of the world.


In the breaking of the bread.




Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Easter Blessings!



Photo Credits:

Bruno van der Kraan

Mike Kenneally

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