Saturday 3 June 2023

Beyond What We See and Know

O God,

in you we live and move 

and have our being (Acts 17.28).

You O God,

who are one in being

and a community of love.

You who continually invites us

to our fullest self in the abundance

of your free, life-giving and divine love.

We often resist the freedom this love offers,

we desire to remain in the comfort of the uncomfortable,

yet you refuse this complacent choice, 

rather you speak deeper truth to us.

You who are a community love,

a triune force of goodness, hope and beauty,

you who meets us in the all and any directions 

our life is, has been or is going to be.

You dwell now then and there, 

for you are ever present,

your will is one which speaks life

into our weariness,

peace into our discontent,

joy into our yearning.

Father – Son – Spirit

Creator – Redeemer – Sanctifier

God – Savior – Advocate

no matter how 

we call to you or address you

we praise you,

you who are one 

and a community of love,

whose life force dwells in us,

inviting us in,

and calling us to your will,

for indeed in you 

we live and move and have our being

and for that we give thanks!


Photo Credit: Aaron Burden

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