Thursday 21 December 2023

Advent Christmas 2023 - Celebrating 800 Years of the Nativity Scene

    This year as noted through the season of Advent we commemorate the 800th anniversary of Christmas at Greccio where the tradition of the Christmas Crèche finds its history. St. Francis of Assisi had a vision to gather the people to remind them of the Bambino of Bethlehem. One of the biographies of the life of St. Francis says he desired “to enact the memory of that babe who was born in Bethlehem.” Each year as we set up our crèche (nativity scene) in our homes and churches it is a reminder for us to not just look at pretty statues or a family heirloom rather it is an opportunity to pray for our hurting world and to be reminded we are gathered in community with fellow believers trusting our God is here with us in the hurting and the harshness of life.

    Earlier this month during our annual pageant at The Mount the character of St. Francis bubbling up with awe prayed:  Let us open our minds and hearts to the true spirit of Christmas – the Bambino of Bethlehem – God with us!  The Christmas story is a lesson in love and peace, let us be renewed each year! The Bambino of Bethlehem! Sweet Child! Holy Child! Bambino of Bethlehem! Little Son of God! Make us all the instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, the little Child sows love. Where there is darkness, the little Child shines light. Little Child, you come to bring us peace and joy! Oh, Bambino of Bethlehem, you are our joy and our hope! You can almost see St. Francis of Assisi dancing with delight holding the Christ Child some 800 years ago, awakening in him and those gathered the depth of God’s great love. We carry the Christmas story in our hearts and lives again this year and each year as we continually are invited to renewal, to be instruments of love and peace and to shine the light of Christ into the world; because we know Christ born is our joy and hope. 

    As we face uncertainties in the year ahead, as we listen with broken hearts about wars in our world, as we know the hurts and pains of our communities and families – we trust our God is with us equipping us with hope. This is the very message St. Francis desired to awaken in the people of Greccio 800 years ago. Their world and ours are not very different – let us be attentive to the Bambino of Bethlehem and how he is stirring us to be people of the gospel. As we gaze upon our crèche this Christmas let us be brave enough to pray for the courage to follow Christ wherever he shall lead us in 2024.  

Merry Christmas!

Blessings of peace and all good to you this Christmas 

and all through 2024!

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