Saturday 3 February 2024

Seek – Find – Go – Serve

“Everyone is searching for you.” – Mark 1.37

This plea from the apostles to Jesus stands out. It speaks to what is woven into our hearts, this longing for Christ to be present, known, found for, with and in our living. Security. 

And yet what is Jesus’ response? Not come and sit and be quiet with me. No, there is an assumption we are already making time for quiet in our living. The security of going to a deserted place to pray is an expectation of discipleship (and it need not be exotic or very far). The response of Jesus to the apostles is, “get ready we have places to go and people to see.” Jesus invites them into mission. Jesus empowers the apostles to be bearers of the good news in word and in service. 

This invitation is also for us. We move from our prayer and quiet into the encounters of life. We are made for mission. We must ask ourselves:

How and am I making time for quiet and prayer? 

How and am I sharing the gospel message of hope? 

Christ Jesus,

we meet you in the quiet 

and we meet you in our neighbors. 

You invite us to come and be 

and to also go and serve. 

May this double invite 

be woven into our hearts and daily living,

for they are strength for the journey

and draw us closer to you. 


Photo Credit: Aron Visuals

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