Monday 14 October 2013

Gratitude Path

The path I trod is full of gratitude, each falling leaf reminds me so.

Life’s journey blessed with so much the leaves swirl as if to show.


Love and joy and comfort, along with hope and courage too,

these are first to cross my path.

In gratitude these flourish from my faith which is my strength.


Next the leaves seem to dance around me as I go,

their dancing ways remind me of the smiles I hold dear.

In gratitude I see each face of family and of friend,

that grace my path and fill me and send me forth again.


The leaves that gather near the edge declare to me of times

of growth and change and promise, which have helped to shape me.

In gratitude I ponder these moments and discover the gifts they have been

and once again I am refreshed as the journey is made new.


Then a leaf comes tumbling down and rests upon my hand,

I simply stare at it and stop in awe as I cradle this precious gift.

This simple leaf reminds me of great love, that of God’s,

which surrounds me and calls me his beloved one.

In gratitude I pause this day and say thank you to my God,

who walks with me and showers me with blessings from above.


These falling leaves on the path I trod have caused me to give thanks,

and so in gratitude I journey on my life again renewed.
When my family gathers for our Thanksgiving meal we always stop to count our blessings and share what we are thankful for. This is my list that will be shared this year as they gather around their table in one province and as I gather around mine in another.
My Thankful Top 10 for 2013:
1.      God’s love and my faith.
2.      Love and support of family and friends.
3.      Hugs
4.      Skype, Texts and Emails
5.      Knowing I am under the same sun and stars as my family.
6.      My family: from my Grandparents and Godparents to my Parents,
my Siblings and their Spouses and my awesome Nephews and Nieces.
7.      For special Aunts and Uncles – for being so awesome to our family.
8.      Prayer
9.      The Saints – in a special way this year- Francis.
10.  Traditions such as the Thanksgiving Thankful Sharing and Peddlegrums (or Pedlegrooms)

To all who have journeyed with me and have been my support and encouragement
over this past year and through this transition I say thank you.
On this Thanksgiving Day you are held close in heart and prayer.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks to God, and bless his name.
Indeed, how good is the Lord,
eternal God's merciful love.
-Psalm 100


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