Monday 28 October 2013

The Harvest is Plentiful

As October draws to an end, I am reminded that the harvest time back on the prairies is also drawing to a close. The month of October has always felt like a finale if you will, as November seems to sit idle and December brings with it a New Church Year.

The image below, I see from our kitchen window every day. This bed of leaves is so beautiful, the photo doesn’t capture the beauty of it, but it reminded me of a reflection I wrote a while ago.


‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.’
The planting, the tending, the caring, the sharing….
The preparing, the assisting, the labouring, the sharing…
The openness, the growth, the depths, the sharing…
The desire, the potential, the reality, the sharing…
The harvest, the work, the abundance, the sharing…
The harvest is plentiful, the labourers are few.
Loving God,
help me to root myself in your Son,
so I may be ready for the harvesting
and help others in the harvesting.
You bless me richly,
help me to remember my blessings,
so I can give more. Amen.


The Friary is the white house on the right.

This month ends with Halloween and leads to two of my favorite days of the Church Year – All Saints & All Souls Day! I know that we will not celebrate here as fully as what Resurrection will, but still I will indeed enter into the fun of Halloween, the prayers of the Feasts, will sing with all the saints in glory and pause to remember the faithful departed.

November is a time for remembering our beloved saints and our beloved dead. I encourage you to spend some time this month reading about the saints – there are so many great daily reflection books (and online resources) about Saints, take 2 minutes a day and read about a real hero. I also encourage you to visit a cemetery and pray for the deceased both those known to you and not.


Thank God for all the glorious Saints!

Let perpetual light shine on all the faithful departed.


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