Monday 18 November 2013

Football and the Radio

What does someone living in Saskatchewan,
Someone from Saskatchewan living elsewhere,
And a Canadian Forces member from Saskatchewan
away on duty have in common?
Well to be honest probably a lot of things,
but the thing that came to mind for me this past week
was the Saskatchewan Roughriders and the radio.

On Sunday, as I was busy in the kitchen making supper for my brothers, the radio was on and I was listening to the game. I’m not a die-hard football fan but the excitement of the game and the tie to my home was what drew me in. As I busily chopped vegetables I would listen intently to the play by play and make my own comments. It was very exciting to hear a Rider win and I thought of the flurry of green and white back home as celebrations broke out to celebrate.


This lead me to memories of growing up and realizing how blessed I was and am to have a home to shelter me and provide me with necessities and wants. Especially now as I see the suffering of our Filipino brothers and sisters, our neighbours to the south and those who call the street their home.


Listening to a particular radio station from Saskatchewan also brings me back to my childhood and some of my earliest memories. I remembering lying in bed as a child in the early morning and being awakened by the sound of the radio on as my Dad and Mom had their morning coffee. The news, the music, the sports would play in the background as they prepared for the day and one by one we joined them. I can still tell you where that radio sat and what it looked like. Happy memories.


These happy memories again caused me to pause and be thankful for my home. It also caused me again to ponder those who lack a home or lost a home. We are called to be in solidarity with them, yet none of us would give up our homes. Being in solidarity does not call us to give up our homes, but it does call us to be aware of what we have and should call us to give from our plenty to help those both near and far. Through prayer, acts of generosity, donations, acts of kindness and hospitality we build a better world.


Thinking about the Riders also made me think of home and thinking of home reminded me of very neat experience I was a part of this past week. Probably one that will not happen too often in my life time. I was part of a Friary blessing this past week. We blessed our new Friary in the community just down the road. It was a beautiful day. The 3 Friars who live there welcomed about 60 people to the blessing including our Provincial (the Friar in charge of Western Canadian Friars). It was a simple celebration of blessing each room, giving praise to God in song and gathering over table to enjoy good food and conversation. It was good to be there and reminded me once again about how we are all called to open our doors and invite Christ in.
Welcome Sign at Door. San Damiano is a special place for St. Francis
The community gathers

The delicious cake made by one of the Poor Clares

As I write this and hear the raining pelting against my window, I again give thanks for the gift of a home, I pray for those who seek shelter, I ask you to do the same and ask you to ponder how you can help our brothers and sisters who are in need of shelter.


Funny what listening to a football game on the radio can make you think of!



Oh and…


GO RIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s keep the cup in Saskatchewan!
Green is the color, football is the game...

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