Sunday 22 December 2013


Emmanuel… God with us! Let us trust in that!

Emmanuel… God with us! Let that promise sink deeply into us!

Emmanuel… God with us! Always! No matter what!

Emmanuel… God with Us! Even when we don’t get it!


God with us! Are we quiet enough to hear God’s voice?

God with us! Are our hearts open enough to let God’s dreams in?

God with us! Are we ready to let go of fear and worries?

God with us! Are we people of peace, people of hope, people of welcome?


Emmanuel… God with us!

Not just on a road to Bethlehem…

Not just in a stable…

Not just in the 33 years of the life of God’s Son…

No… God with us!

God with us now! God with us always!

Just as Jesus needed Mary and Joseph 2000 years ago.
Jesus needs us today.

Christ needs us!

He needs us to be ourselves,

the creation of God we each are!

Christ needs us!

He needs us to love deeply,

share generously and hope endlessly.

Christ needs us!

He needs us to be witnesses,

part of his light, to build his kingdom.

Christ needs us!

He needs us because we are all the

beloved children of God,

He needs us because we are each great,

He needs us so that his love may be more complete.

Christ needs us!

Jesus – Messiah – Christ - Saviour – Emmanuel… God with Us! Let us trust in that!

May our hearts this Christmas and always,
so we may hear God say ‘I am with you!’

I would like to leave you with a Christmas challenge no matter how old or young you are, no matter what your family make up is. Take the time to stop at the Manger/Nativity Scene at your church this Christmas after Mass (and the one in your home), stop for a moment and say a prayer... this simple action will remind others why we celebrate.
Make an Emmanuel statement.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
May the hope and love of the Christ Child touch your hearts.
May the Christmas Season be a time of blessings for you
and may 2014 be filled with many graces for the journey.

Thank you for your support and prayers.
This will be the last blog until after the New Year... check back again in January.

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