Monday 2 December 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Okay, technically in a liturgical sense I know that the title of this blog belongs to Christmas and Easter, but for me Advent truly is the most wonderful time of the year. For someone like myself who is a planner and organizer this season is such a great journey so it the most wonderful time. I love the simplicity we are called to, I love the preparing for the Christmas Season, the prayers, the special readings, the scriptures, the candle lighting and the traditions. Oh the traditions…

I am so thankful that my parents instilled in me a great sense of tradition, and I think some of my first memories are connected with traditions of Advent. Some of our traditions were born out of a faith upbringing, some were born out of memories, some were born out of the reality that my parents own a grocery store and December is a busy month. Traditions take the simple in life and make them special and for me that opens my heart up to the gifts of the Season.

So as this Advent season begins I enjoy rich traditions even here in the Friary, some of my brothers have joined me in sharing in these traditions- these parts of me I bring with and offer to the community. Let me share a few of my favorite traditions with you, as you consider your own.


Obviously because it is a New Church Year and Season the first tradition comes in décor. Our chapel was transformed from the greens of Ordinary Time to the purples of Advent and a beautiful Advent wreath. Oh the beautiful smell of the evergreen! This transformation is also part of my own created tradition that my own space gets a bit of makeover with a few Christmas decorations appearing.

Then comes a true treat for me, after Mass on the First Sunday of Advent I head to the kitchen to enjoy my first Christmas (mandarin) orange of the season, along with a delicious glass of Eggnog! Two delectable Advent treats I look forward to each year. As I peel the orange and sip the eggnog I enter into the season, I’m transported to my childhood and I look ahead to the journey of Advent. (If I was at home I would be drinking the eggnog from a special Christmas mug or cup). I also enjoy a Red Delicious Apple on each Sunday of Advent (something my Mom started with us not to long ago).

And then the Advent Hymns and Christmas carols begin to play to help me journey and pray through the season.

I am very fond of a good Advent reflection book to help my faith journey and so each morning and night I spend time journeying deeper in faith and preparing for the great feast of Christmas through these readings!

The key for me is that these traditional treats launch me into the season and continue through until the last day of the Christmas Season in January.
So Advent truly is a season of senses and I’m so thankful for the senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing they truly do bless the journey.

This Advent is extra special for my family
as we were blessed with the gift of New Life,
we welcomed a new little one into our fold,
an Advent gift indeed!
I am now the proud Uncle to
3 nephews and 7 nieces,
as Adele entered our world on December 1.
Welcome little one, peace and joy be yours!

I leave you with these beautiful prayers from the First Sunday of Advent Evening Prayer. May your journey be blessed and may your traditions draw you closer to the joys and promise of Christmas.


To Jesus Christ, our Redeemer,
the way, the truth, and the life,
let us make our humble prayer:
Come and stay with us, Lord.
Son of the Most High,
your coming was announced to the Virgin Mary by Gabriel,
come and rule over your people for ever.
Come and stay with us, Lord.
Holy One of God,
in your presence John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb,
bring the joy of salvation to all the earth.
Come and stay with us, Lord.
Jesus the Savior,
the angel revealed your name to Joseph the just man,
come and save your people from their sins.
Come and stay with us, Lord.
Light of the world,
for whom Simeon and all the just waited,
come and comfort us.
Come and stay with us, Lord.
O Rising Sun that never sets,
Zechariah foretold that you would visit us from above,
come and shine on those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death.
Come and stay with us, Lord.

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