Monday 14 July 2014

Reality Check

Today reality settled in a bit more. One month from today I will enter my Novitiate Year and the following day will be officially accepted as a Novice for the Franciscans.

With that reality settling in there is also the reality that my year as Postulant is coming to an end. It seemed like this Postulancy Year would last forever but in all reality it has slipped away very quickly. It was a year full of change but a year full of many and great blessings. A deepening prayer life, the challenges and gifts of community, an awareness of the gift of St. Francis and St. Clare in my life, the support of family and friends and the newness of the adventure, location and new people blessed my life. What a year it has been, a foundation has been laid so I can continue the building.

With the reality of the Novitiate Year drawing very close I am pondering a lot about the transition, a bit more letting go, new realities, my roots and more growth. In these ponderings I know no matter what that God’s goodness is ever present, that my humble Savior walks with me and that the Holy Spirit continues to move in me and calls me to openness for the road ahead. (St. Francis’ spirituality is really taking hold in me!)

As I prepare to enter the Novitiate I am reminded of the organizing values for Franciscans. Our key areas, our mission statement if you will, that we need to ask ourselves if through our vows we are called to these ideals. We are also reminded that we cannot be all these things at all times, but we are called to strive to make them a part of our lives as Friars.

These values are:

Fraternity – brotherhood, community, support

Minority – simply living so others may live, being a lesser brother so we can serve the lesser

Prayer/Contemplation – our connection to the Trinity, our fuel, our foundation in Gospel living

Service/Ministry – where our convictions meet the needs of the world around us

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation – respecting and valuing humanity and creation

When I ponder these values I see how they have already shaped my life. I also desire to live these values out to a greater extent. I truly believe that God has led me to the path of St. Francis for my gifts, skills and talents are best expressed in his charism and these values serve as my framework.

I’m sure these values will be explored and challenged more over the Novitiate Year as my brothers and I claim our Franciscan identity.

As the Rule of St. Francis states:
“Let the brothers not make anything their own…as pilgrims and strangers in this world,
serving the Lord in poverty and humility.”

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