Monday 28 July 2014

Treasures in the Journey

  This past weekend I had the great privilege and honor to be back at Resurrection Parish (where I ministered for six years). It was great to be home and celebrate with this vibrant community. I had the great opportunity to share with the community about my journey this past year. The scripture readings for the weekend served as my guide. What follows is my reflection.

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

God said (to Solomon) “ask something of me and I will give it to you.”

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

“Give your servant, an understanding heart”

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

“Lord, let your kindness comfort me for I love your commands more than gold.”

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

 “All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.”

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure.”

God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

In the journey of life we discover the treasures God has buried in our life. You just never know where you are going to discover them and how they will lead you closer to God. I have been pondering the treasure of baptism, of the Eucharist, and of reconciliation. I have been pondering the treasure of family and friends. I have been pondering the treasure of community, fraternity and minority. I have been pondering the treasure of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. I have been pondering the treasure of the gift of St. Francis and his deep relationship with Christ.

All those treasures have been running through my mind as I prepared to come home and celebrate here and as I reflected on my year past and year ahead.

When we discussed the possibility of my being here for a weekend it never crossed my mind to flip through the Lectionary to look at the scripture. Well I must say that our God is a good and gracious God and our God has a great sense of humor for when I read for the first time the readings we just heard, I laughed out loud and said, ‘really God, okay I get it. You are speaking to me again very clearly.  I’ll listen a bit more closely.’ J In pondering, listening and reflecting I would like to share with you these treasures that today’s scripture have inspired as I share with you a bit about my journey.

I chose to begin at the baptismal font and journey forward because my craving for God that was ignited in baptism those 37 years ago has propelled me forward into a deepening relationship and journey with God. Each time I place my hand in that font I am reminded that God satisfies all my cravings that my life is a journey full of faith, of great treasures and my cup does indeed overflow.

When I read from Kings I saw a parallel to my own journey. God telling Solomon to ask something of God is similar to how my journey to the Franciscans began. In early January 2012 while in prayer I was reflecting on the New Year ahead, a phrase from a reflection kept running through my head… ‘Do something new in me Lord.’ It was in that time of prayer that like for Solomon God was very near and said to me, ask of me. So I did, I prayed ‘do something new in me Lord, I am yours, I trust in you and so I give you permission to do something new in me.’ Well my friends, if you haven’t caught on be careful for what you ask of God, because my something new has lead me to the path of St. Francis and the Franciscans and I didn’t see that one coming at all. J

            A year ago this weekend we gathered in this space for the first time (wow!), a treasure indeed, the Mass that weekend was my last official task as Pastoral Assistant here at Resurrection. The chaos of that last week, the blessings in my farewell, the first Masses and the prayers of this parish and my family have encouraged me over this past year in trusting God more and in journeying deeper with Christ. Like Solomon’s prayer, “give your servant, an understanding heart” those words have been my prayer over this past year. I prayed help me understand Lord, how I will live through this year away from my supports and comforts and familiarity. Help me understand Lord, how to walk this path and how to trust more. Help me understand Lord, how to serve in new ways, how to respond to this calling, how to embrace the gifts of being a lesser brother. Help me understand Lord, how the charism of St. Francis is infusing my life and how I’m called to live it out. (and this still is my prayer)

            As my Postulancy Year now comes to a close I see how my heart has opened up, how the gift of understanding has taken root and how I need to continue to nurture it.

I reflect back on a year that including moving to Victoria, living in community, studying, coming to understand Francis a bit more, learning the depth of brotherhood, deepening my prayer life, being challenged to share my gifts, explore my gifts in new ways and continue to be open to God doing something new in me over and over again.  The year sailed by very quickly and now here I stand again on a threshold of the next step on the journey.

            I find myself craving God’s awesome plan more and more. I find myself surrounded by support and prayer. As the letter to the Romans says, I find myself as did Francis desiring “to be conformed to the image of the Son”.  In saying these words aloud I have to smile for I can only imagine how God will shape them in my journey ahead as being conformed to the image of Christ has a lot to do with God doing something new in me (and each of us). J     

Today I look around and I see a community that desires and strives to be the image of the Risen Lord in our society, I look around and see a community that craves to have the Lord work in them, I look around and see fellow believers on the journey, renewed by the Font of Life, nourished by the Banquet of the Lord, I look around and see fellow believers who are people of prayer and service that continue to inspire and support my journey. I am grateful for the continued prayers and support of this community. (I don’t know if I can express my deepest gratitude knowing that you have held me in prayer.) It is the treasures of your prayers and support that help me and others to look forward to the year ahead.

            The treasure of my Novitiate Year begins on August 15, I will travel to Burlington Wisconsin to meet up with my 14 Postulant Brothers. We will be received into the Franciscan family on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. We will live and journey together with our 4 Formators for the next 50 weeks. Yes that is 19 men living together for nearly 1 year under 1 roof. Thank you Jesus it is a big house! J The year will be, if you will, an intense retreat year. A routine of prayer, Franciscan learning, community events, personal growth, a deeper opening of my heart, and a deepening of God doing something new in my life will guide the Novitiate Year. It will be a full year away (without coming home, without a cellphone or a weekly blog) but a year I am very much looking forward to. Today I humbly stand before you and ask for your prayers and support not only for me, but also for my brothers and our Formators. My brothers (whom I’ve been away at summer school with) come from all walks of life and backgrounds from coast to coast of the US, from El Salvador, Mexico, Iraq, Ireland and from Quebec. My brothers come to this journey from roles as students, in the film industry, a police officer, a manager at Walmart, in the business field, and world travels. Together we have begun to form a brotherhood, where we are learning to trust each other, challenge each other and discovering who can cook, who cleans up after themselves and who will make it to prayer on time. J Our Formators come from 4 different Franciscan provinces and have all each been friars for over 20 years. It will be a very interesting and graced filled year to treasure.

My Postulant Director called the Novitiate Year a year of Summer Camp. I can attest that after 4 weeks, summer camp is enough, so I know for sure that a year of summer camp is way too much. Like I said I prefer Intense Retreat! J No matter what the year is or how it turns out, by the grace of God, I will continue to be open to conform my life to Christ, and my heart will be filled with deeper understanding, courage, a fuller embracing of the charism of St. Francis and many moments to treasure. And by the grace of God, I will come back home next August in a brown Franciscan habit as simply professed Franciscan Friar. With God all things are possible!

            From the font… to a life journey and now wrapped in a Franciscan journey that includes asking something of God, to desiring to be a servant with an understanding heart, to being open to God’s will according to God’s purpose, to embracing the journey as a treasure that will lead to the kingdom of heaven, I say here I am Lord, I come to do your will. In the words of St. Francis, ‘if God can work through me, God can work through anyone.’ Each of us are called, no matter our age, God simply says to us… ask me. So today as we come forward to receive nourishment from the Banquet of the Lord, let us allow ourselves to be consumed by Christ and as we take leave of the church and place our hand in the font let us remember the treasure of the kingdom of God is ours to behold.

            I invite you to trust in our loving God and dare you to pray for something new to happen in your life.  I invite you to pray with me the prayer that St. Francis prayed before the crucifix…

Most High,
Glorious God,
Enlighten the darkness of my heart
And give me true faith,
Certain hope and perfect charity,
Sense and knowledge, Lord,
That I may carry out
Your holy and true command.
God my God, You I crave my soul thirsts for you like a dry and weary land.

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