Thursday 7 January 2016

2016: Light, Transform, Promise, Together & Hope = Life

Here we are with the Christmas Season drawing to a close and in the first new days of 2016. The combination of those two things along with Christmas time with family, recent reflections I have read, my own time to ponder the past year, the many blessings I have encountered and launching into a New Year is causing me to be more aware of words such as light, transform, promise, together and hope. They all point to life.

I could point you to readings I have done, to blogs that have opened up my inner thoughts, to prayers that have spoken to my heart, but I will try to share with you how they and my Christmas time are stirring my deeper awareness of the above mentioned words.

Christ Child, Flame of Love,
may your birth be for me each day
a deeper discovery of you,
and may your light radiate out from me
into the world that is seeking light.

Jesus, your birth transformed lives,
not only your mother Mary and earthly father Joseph,
but also the shepherds and the wise men,
like them may we ponder you,
glorify you, and go about our lives in a new way,
knowing you can and have and will continue to transform our hearts.

Your birth is a new beginning,
the New Year is a new beginning,
Epiphany is a new beginning
and all come with a promise.
A promise of life,
a promise for opportunities,
a promise of your love for all.
May these promises guide all the days of 2016.

Family, Friends, Neighbours.
The Season of Christmas draws us together.
The gift of togetherness nourishes us and fills us.
May this blessing send us out into our communities
and the world to those who do not know this gift
so we may be signs of welcome, warmth, and generosity,
for we are all better and stronger when we are together.

The word of Advent, the word of Christmas, the word of a New Year,
The word that is so much deeper than just a word,
more powerful than four little letters.
A word that draws me closer to the Christ Child
and to journey with him through life, through struggles,
and even through death to new life.
Hope… eternally there is hope. I thankful for that.

I conclude with this prayer from Morning Lauds on January 7.

Rejoice in the wonderful works of the Lord for he has given us
hope through the birth of his Son. Let us cry out with great joy:
Glory to God in the highest.
With Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, our whole being proclaims your greatness, Lord.
With the apostles and evangelists, we give you thanks Lord.
With all your holy witnesses in the Church, we dedicate our lives to you Lord in deepest faith.

Blessings to you as we write the 12 chapters of 2016.
Let us entrust them to the Author of Life.

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