Sunday 17 January 2016

Remaining & Rejoicing

The Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2.1-12) is always a good story. It is interesting to see Mary encourage Jesus “do whatever he tells you”, Jesus begin his ministry “the first of his signs”, hear of a good party “you have kept the good wine until now”, and see that even Jesus took time after celebrations to focus and appreciate blessings “went to Capernaum…remained there a few days”. It really has the makings of a good story and one we can all appreciate, since we have all been to wedding, or have encountered a blessing after a time of lacking and also appreciate times to focus and appreciate life.
I was going to write about the joy of celebrations and the goodness that comes from them. I even was reminiscing about a few good weddings that I have enjoyed. However I was struck by the words “remained there a few days” and also the words from Isaiah 62.5 “So shall your God rejoice over you.” You never know how scripture will strike you.
Remained there a few days…
This strikes me in that Jesus clearly shows us the gift of taking a step back, taking time to reflect, taking time for Sabbath. Anyone who knows me, knows I always have a “To Do List” on the go. There is always something to be done, accomplished, or crossed off. This was helpful in ministry and is now helpful as a student. As great as what it feels to get things crossed off the list and rejoice in tasks accomplished, there comes a time when stepping back is more important that crossing off the list. In the busy mix of life God offers us the opportunity for these moments, be they minutes, hours or days.
As I write this I am thankful for the moments of the past week that allowed for some “remaining there”. One such moment was a much needed and enjoyed afternoon with a classmate to simply discuss the adventure of life. These sacred hours were time to reflect, lighten the load and inflame the heart. Those few hours allowed me to see with new eyes, hear words I needed to hear and ponder the journey with a new perspective.  
Then there is the gift of a quiet morning, those few moments of lying in bed before the day launches ahead, a walk, or simply enjoying a cup of tea or coffee and looking out a window. No matter what it is, no matter how I “remain there” or step back, each time I am nourished and fueled up to embrace the adventures that await or the items that need to be crossed of that list.
So shall your God rejoice over you…
Just saying those words, just reading those words, just hearing those words stir up in me joy, peace and hope. As I read these words at Mass they struck my heart and soul. God rejoices over me, over you, over all God’s creation. God rejoices over us like parents over a newborn or as Isaiah says “like a bridegroom over his bride”, or elsewhere in scripture we read like a shepherd over a lost sheep, or a woman over a lost coin. Isn’t that amazing?
God loves us so much, that God rejoices over us… always! I imagine God doing a happy dance or giving an angel a high-five in this rejoicing. Which would mean a lot of dancing and high-fives. We sometimes get so caught up in the negative our world we fail to see the good. However God does not. Amen to that. 
So even when the “To Do List” is not crossed off, even when the day has been long, even when studying is hard, even when we hurt or feel alone, our God is there and rejoices over us. Why? Because our God created us good, created us holy, created us with love. God sees that even when we cannot and God still rejoices over us!
Like I said, joy, peace and hope again settled into me as I read those words, I hope they can for all of us. Blessings indeed. Our God is so good.
May the week ahead allow for us to take some time to “remain there” with the Lord, and may we enter into the journey of the week knowing God rejoices over us, simply because God wants to, simply because we are good, simply because we are God’s.
Today is the day that Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad! (Psalm 118.24)

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