Saturday 9 April 2016

Come and Have Breakfast

I’m going to put it out there and say that one of my favorite Resurrection stories is 
John 21.1-19. All the Resurrection stories are pretty awesome for so many different reasons; Mary encountering Jesus reminds us of hope, the Emmaus walk reminds us of witness, Thomas reminds us of trust and faith, Jesus appearing to his disciples in the upper room reminds us of peace, and John 21.1-19 reminds us that Jesus loves Sunday Brunch (and a whole lot more!), it reminds us of invitation, of openness, of discipleship, of what it means to be people of the Resurrection!

One of my most favorite lines from Jesus is found in this gospel. Jesus says, “Come and have breakfast.” Not just because I love Sunday brunch and being gathered at table for meals with family and friends, but because Jesus offers us a very simple invitation. For real, Jesus invites us to dine with him! I love that! Not only does he invite us to the Banquet of Life at the Table of the Eucharist but he reminds us to go from that table nourished and break bread with our families, neighbours, friends and brothers and sisters who are struggling to survive.

Dining with Jesus is a great gift, it is life-giving, transforming, strengthen, nourishment, inspiring and most importantly challenging, as it calls us not just to eat and be filled but to be filled so we can be his followers in our broken world, help others to the table and generously show his love and mercy to all.

Jesus’ line, “Come and have breakfast” reminds me that he is in the simple things of our everyday. He is present in the little things, the everyday occurrences, and the realities that are our lives. From grabbing breakfast on a rushed weekday morning, to grabbing a coffee with a friend, to enjoying a movie as a family, to serving the hungry at the soup kitchen, from making a pot of soup and sharing it with neighbour, to smiling at a stranger on the bus. It is in the ordinary simple things that we encounter Jesus and he extends a simple question to us…

Jesus asks each one of us, “Do you love me?”

I believe we all respond, “Yes!”

The challenge comes when he says “Follow Me!”

How do we follow him? Joyfully? Regretfully? Burdened? Frustrated? Gladly? Excitedly? Redeemed? Worthy? 

How will we follow him this week?

Will we be present for a hurting member of the Body of Christ?
Will we make a meal for someone who could use some bodily nourishment?
Will we give to the poor, the hungry, and the thirsty, who seek to be feed?
Will we set aside some time for prayer to be nourished by the Word of God, so we can respond “I love you and will follow you Jesus”?
Will we sit down as a family (who ever that may be) and enjoy a meal together?
Will we live our lives in the generosity that is Easter, that is gathering at table, that is Jesus?

Your invitation is most welcome dear Jesus,
I thank you for the examples of simple generosity
and breaking bread I have encounter in my life,
I pray that I may respond and follow you,
for you are my nourishment and my all.
I love to dine with you, for the feast is always
what is needed for the journey.

Here is to a week with a great Sunday brunch, coffee dates and long suppers, 
where Jesus truly is a guest at our tables!

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