Monday 4 April 2016

My Lord and My God

As we continue in our Easter journey we are offered many great gospels to ponder on. This past Sunday is no exception, the story of Doubting Tomas is a favorite for many believers as it offers a reality check for our own believing. However I also think that Thomas teaches us about pride and letting go of our egos; as our journey must be about embracing Christ more and letting go of our own ways of wanting to see Him. Thomas teaches us about being a witness, about embracing the gift of the Risen Lord in our lives. He teaches us about being bold and about embracing a gospel way of life. Think about the actions of Thomas, from asking for a sign to declaring his belief, these are indeed bold ways. Thomas teaches us to see with new eyes, to embrace the journey that at times can be unknown or at other times full of doubt but to always keep our focus on Christ. 

As John 20.31 says, ‘These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.’ When we keep focused on Christ and root our journey in believing in Christ we can, like Thomas, declare more and more boldly, ‘My Lord and My God!’

My Lord and My God,
It is you who are my way,
It is you who conquers my fears,

My Lord and My God,
You are the light to fill my day,
You are the strength when I cry tears.

My Lord and My God,
Help me declare 'you are my life',
Help me to be more like you,

My Lord and My God,
You are greater than any strife,
You are love, you are joy, you are peace too.

My Lord and My God,
I encounter you in the Eucharistic Feast,
I encounter you in my journey path,

My Lord and My God,
You are all around me; north, south, west and east,
You are my life because of my baptismal bath.

My Lord and My God,
These words echo strong and true,
From my heart, they are how I say ‘I Love You’…

My Lord and My God!

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