Monday 19 September 2016


Sometimes life is so overwhelming is it not?

And overwhelming can come in so many forms…

There is being overwhelmed with responsibilities, assignments and project goals.

There is being overwhelmed by news of sickness, loss of life or tragedy.

There is being overwhelmed by the beauty of creation, the melody of song, 
the intrigue of art.

There is being overwhelmed with the love of friends & family, moments of quiet, 
awareness of life.

September is sometimes an overwhelming month, with new demands and new routines connected to the school year starting, moving, harvesting, community involvements and sometimes even career changes. I am very mindful of that as we have just passed by the mid-way of this month. The last few weeks have been overwhelming with events, school assignments, long term planning, immediate demands and hearing of news (both personal, family and world) that tug at my heart strings. Being mindful of this I work hard not to get caught up in or stay stuck in the overwhelming rather to focus on gifts and blessings. This sometimes takes a genuine STOP moment just to be in touch with all that overwhelms me in a good way (note the last two overwhelm points above) and all that I have to be grateful for. A STOP moment is a song listened to, a quiet prayer at start of day, a photo, a phone call just to say 'hi', a walk, a stop and stare at autumn beauty, a coffee with a friend... these STOP moments are always recaptured at end of the day with my brief journal of gratitude, joy and Christ findings.

As September continues to unfold and I continue to find a good pace, a God pace...

In those times I feel helpless or uncertain…
I trust in the promise that all things are possible with God.

In the moments when the stack of to do is way too tall…
I trust in the strength that is promised to me in the resurrection.

In the moments that I feel overwhelmed by sadness or hurt…
I trust in the hope that is Christ planted deep with me.

In the times I am overwhelmed by God’s amazing love…
I trust that the blessings God pours into my life sustains me.

God of Everything,
I know you are with me always,
Thank you.
When I feel overwhelmed
remind me that you are indeed with me. (I need those reminders God!)
Your goodness, love and mercy is always abundant,
know that my gratitude overflows more than anything that overwhelms me. 
(I need to remember that!)


Friends... let us continue to pray for each other, our families, our communities and our world... let prayer overwhelm all that overwhelms us... God is always in the mix.

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