Wednesday 7 September 2016

Face to the Sun

As autumn begins to take its rightful place
I find we turn our faces to the sun - 
maybe it is knowing of coming winter days,
maybe it is appreciating the warmth more in crisp air,
maybe it is the way it catches the fall colors.

Regardless, of the reasons why we turn our faces,
we do so to embrace the light - 
as we turn our gaze to the sun
it serves as a gentle reminder 
to walk in the light of the Son,
today, this season and always.

This simple poem/reflection formed today as I went for a walk. I was thinking about the school year which as of today has officially begun, I was thinking of routines, I was thinking of things I want to work on and I was thinking about the season of fall that is very quickly making its mark. 

The idea of turning my face to the sun, was more than and idea, I was actually doing it naturally, I was holding my head up high and letting the rays cast its warmth across my face. There was a peacefulness in it, maybe a calm before the storm, or the reminder to stay in the light even on the days that feel like big storms or maybe it was a simple reminder from Christ saying: "I am with you always until the end of time." I am so thankful for that moment, as the childhood song says, "let the sun shine in face it with a grin." Indeed I did just that!

So as school begins to take shape, community, school and work commitments begin to anchor themselves into our schedules, as we continue to seek balance; may we continue to focus on the light. The true Light which never sets, which calls us to life, encourages us to be positive and reminds us that is casts the shadows behind us - leaving them in the past so as not to hinder our steps into the light.

Here is to autumn days filled with sunshine, days focused on the Light of the world and the courage to walk boldly (and if we need to gently) into this glorious Light!

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