Wednesday 12 October 2016

Path to Holiness


In this my second year of being a Simply Professed Friar, I have been given permission to seek out more opportunities for ministry. With my background in parish ministry I have come to realize that ministry (and ministering with others) is a big part of my story and a way in which I experience Christ in a personal, communal and significant way.

As I continue to explore options for what future ministry may include I am currently involved in two ministries that are very different but both are calling me to share my skills, talents and experience.

The first is that of being on Student Council at Newman. I am part of the executive which is made up of laity (both men and women), religious and seminarians. This diverse group of people in different programs and in different years of schooling come together to be the voice for the students and provide activities and opportunities for the student body.  My role is that of Social Vice-President. I am responsible for planning and coordinating social activities on campus. Our aim this year is to build community - so in simple ways we are trying to do that by planning luncheons, coffee breaks, seasonal gatherings and a speaker series. This role is indeed calling to use my planning and communication skills, is challenging me to work through obstacles and to enjoy the opportunity to minister with all types of good people desiring to share their gifts.

The second area of ministry is with the Secular Franciscans. This is not a club it is an order of men and women who form part of the Franciscan family. After a period of formation they make their profession to live the gospel following the example of St. Francis and live by a rule of life. Very similar to us as Franciscans. The biggest difference is that they live out their profession/vows continuing to live with their families and working regular jobs. The term Secular indicates just that that they live in the world, where as a Religious Franciscan I live in community.

My role with this Secular Franciscan Fraternity is that of Spiritual Advisor. I have just begun to journey with them and it has already been a blessing. I have the opportunity to meet with their council and with the whole fraternity where we pray together, discuss our way of life, look to St. Francis for guiding us closer to Christ and we plan activities/events to foster our faith journey in living out the gospel. It is a diverse group, both men and women of vary ages who embrace their faith. I am enjoying getting to know them and their journeys.

One of the topics we were discussing at a recent meeting was formation. The formation director stated that formation and living as a Secular Franciscan is our path to holiness. That is a powerful point to consider for all of us. I know it enflamed my heart and got me thinking about how I embrace the gospel, how I live it out and how I radiate Christ. Lots to reflect on...
All of our lives our paths to holiness, however we must continually stop along the way to be fueled up, nourished, rest and do maintenance. Our path to holiness can be busy and full and sometimes distracting – yes even with good things, it is the fueling up, nourishment, rest and maintenance that allows for living out the gospel way of life empowered and nurtured. The path to holiness is not a race! (I need to remind myself of that often.) It is like a long car trip, it takes preparation and all the above mentioned care functions. It takes time, it can be bumpy at times, we can even break down or have to take a detour to get to our destination, no matter how the journey goes we have to remember we do not journey along, heck… maybe we shouldn’t even be driving… as the song says… Jesus take the wheel. Jesus himself is the path to holiness.

So yes, the path to holiness… a blessed journey, a rich journey, a life-long journey and just consider the final destination – it is too good to pass up. I pray that each of us will continue to embrace the path.

I humbly ask for your prayers for the Newman College Student Association and the Saints Louis & Zelie Martin Secular Franciscan Fraternity for their journeys on the path to holiness.

Blessings to you on your own path to holiness.

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