Saturday 22 October 2016

Nothing More, Nothing Less

St. Francis is credited with saying “I am what I am before God. Nothing else. Nothing more. Nothing less.” And he adds, “Have mercy on me a sinner.”

This quote was shared by one of my brothers this weekend in his homily. It is a beautiful illustration of today’s Gospel (Luke 18.9-14) about the Pharisee praying and saying all the good he does and claiming that at least he is not like those other people. One of those other people is a tax collector who is downcast and beating his breast asking for God’s mercy.

The tax collector and St. Francis accurately expressed a truth… we are only ourselves and no one else before God. This is beautiful and rewarding and challenging and calls us to claim the truth of who we are downsides and good sides, but no matter what wrapped in God’s mercy and endless love. God raises us up with mercy and love and we more confidently stand before God as redeemed sinners, with the promise of eternal life.

 “Who am I?’ I ask. And God creates a space in me that allows me trust and shows me my true and authentic self.

“How do I put You first?” I ask. And God guides me in ways great and small that are revealing, everlasting and hopeful.

“How do I be authentic?” I ask. And God says, “By focusing on Me and My love and knowing that every good gifts comes from Me.”

“What do You want me to be?” I ask. And God says, “Yourself – fully alive, awakened in Christ, serving the world and choosing to radiate Christ.”

“What do you want done?” I ask. And  God says, “My will: lived through you, driven out of love for Me, utilizing who you are created to be - a disciple of Christ and an instrument of peace and love.”

“Amen,” I say. And God says… “I am with you always.”

So, Yes I am reminded that I am nothing more and nothing less than who I am before You, my God and that is beautiful and holy and good. With confidence I can pray, “Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner, for I place all my hope in you.”
And God says again... "I am with you always!"

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