Sunday 22 January 2017

Take a Breath: Blessings

This past week has been one of those weeks, busy, curve balls, new experiences, more learning, and so on.

Our world continues to face new challenges, deal with old hurts, seek peace, strive for unity and find good and healthy ways to support each other especially the poor, hurting and broken.

There has been a lot of loud voices this past week and when that consumes our time, I often feel it is important to step back, take breath, turn off the noise of our lives and count our blessings.

As we begin a new week and face new challenges may we count our blessings and remember that Jesus said, "I am with you always until the end of time."

Peace in the journey.

Peace in the living.

Peace in the life given.

Hope in the discoveries.

Hope in the experiences.

Hope in the gift of life.

Love in the relationships.

Love in the sharing.

Love in the beautiful life.

Joy in the path trodden.

Joy in the growth and building.

Joy in the awe of life.

Christ in the all of each day.

Christ in the challenges and blessings.

Christ in the life that is ours.

May peace fill our hearts, may the hope that is ours always light the way, may we know the love of both friend and stranger, may joy - simple and pure touch our lives and may we never forget that Christ our brother and savior is deeply in love with each one of us.

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