Monday 30 January 2017

Comfort & Hope in the Lord

Let your hearts take comfort, all who hope in the Lord.

                                                                -      Psalm 31

Yes Lord, comfort us for you are our hope,
comfort us as we hear of more sensless killings,
comfort us as we deal with fear and indifference,
comfort us as we struggle to be welcoming communities.
Yes Lord, comfort us for you are our hope,
you are hope when the world seems dark,
you are hope when the shouts of anger seem too much,
you are hope when peace seems so far away.

Yes Lord, comfort us for you are our hope,
comfort our loved ones and friends who are ill and hurting,
comfort our communities who are devasted and fragile,
comfort our families who are broken and in pain.

Yes Lord, comfort us for you are our hope,
your are hope today, tomorrow and always,
you are hope that is stength and courage,
you are hope which lights our journey.

Yes Lord, our hearts take comfort in you,
for you are the way, the truth and life,
we place all our worries, fears and anxieties in you,
for we hope in you and find life,
for your love is a shelter which is steadfast and merciful.

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