Monday 27 February 2017

Monday Motivation... Lenten Motivation...

You can find all types of stuff on line, twitter, facebook that can help you get motivated for a Monday… quotes (which I love to collect), images and so on. Over the course of my weekend there were moments that would be classified as motivational and yet they are so much more. They are moments that remind me how much God is in my life and calling me to continually be an open vessel for God to be at work in me.

Let me tell you about these moments…

Scripture… the ultimate motivation… and it is really the Gospel from this past weekend (Matthew 6.24-34) that kicked started this reflecting. In this Gospel we read… “Do not worry about your life”; “Are you not more valuable than the birds of the air?”; “Strive first for the kingdom of God”; “Do not worry about tomorrow.” These simple words remind me that God is truly with me and when I allow doubt and fear to take over God says… do not worry, you are so valuable, you have gifts for the kingdom, I am with you.

I sometimes think that Matthew 6 was written especially for me. I sometimes let worry hold me captive, which is so ridiculous because I know God is greater than my worries and fears and frustrations and concerns. There is strength in accepting this more and more, even a sense of being settled and peace. Even when worry seems to be a present companion I know that it will not win me over for God is with me.

This was made a little more concrete to me this weekend. One of my USB computer drives decided enough and was enough and it would not read my files any more. I was frustrated and a bit angry (current assignments and project files were on the USB), but did not become unravelled. There at my core was strength and in the frustration and in some sense loss I was able to move through this. I was a little off of what would be my ‘usual’ self but I was not wrapped up in the woes of worry.

God works in beautiful ways to pull us away from worry, to see our value and to be filled with gratitude. God showed God’s self to me throughout the weekend in so many ways that any worry that surfaced melted away and I was reminded again of gratitude, how important the building of the kingdom is and God’s love.

While at Mass on Saturday night a woman with a mental disability sat next to me. She was so sweet and helped me let go of my worry. She patted my habit, pulled my beard, gave me the biggest hug and made sure she was sitting right (and I mean right) next to me. I was forced not to be turned inward but rather to be open to receive what was being poured into life (again being called to be an open vessel).

Later that night one of my brothers handed me a retyped copy of my paper that was on the USB file. I had printed a copy for editing and was going to have to retype now from start. In his generosity he sat down and typed it for me without me knowing. I was blown away, filled with gratitude and saw how the kingdom of God is built with little acts of kindness and with big hearts. This same brother also forced me out of myself and brought me to the bigger community where I experienced happiness that was needed.

By the time Sunday came and I was in a full rehearsal for the musical I am part of this weekend, my heart was opened again. I have been surrounded by an amazing cast and crew for the last 6 months. This community of young and old, leaders and followers, searching and determined people have shown to me over and over again the beauty of building the kingdom.  How it is done together, how to support each other and encourage others and the gift of being valued by God for more than any material wealth will ever give me. It is so beautiful to see how being valued because we are Children of God can change the world. I have seen this cast bring characters to life that know our longings and journey, that speak to our hearts and that call us to be open and trust not only because of characters but also because of life journeys and relationships. Gratitude again filled my heart and opened it up some more.

Finally the gift of new life emphasized the gift of how much God truly and wholly values us. I had the great pleasure of being present when a young couple announced they are expecting twins and the great support and joy that swelled to fill the room. I also in a more intimate moment was given the gift to hold a 5 day old child. The busy and full and goodness of all that had filled my last few hours seemed to be amplified and joy filled me even more accompanied by a calm, a peace, a breathing in of God, of love, of freedom from worry.

If that’s not motivation for a Monday and for the Season of Lent nothing is!

As this week unfolds I am determined to remember that my worries are so little, that my heart is full of deep gratitude, that we all have so much value and worth and that in building the kingdom we truly are set free and encounter God’s vast love. This will shape my Lenten journey… worry will not drive this journey. What will shape yours? What will drive your Lenten steps?

you are strength and wisdom,
we place our trust in you
our worries melt away in your goodness.
Help us to remember this.
You guide us in ways everlasting
so we may be co-builders of the kingdom –
we strive to share who we are in the building
and to trust in your deep love, mercy and grace –
guide us, today, through this Lenten time and always.

I humbly ask your prayers for the cast and crew of the musical Lost Apostle this coming week as we head towards performance this weekend!

I also ask for your prayers for baby Katharine and for Amber and Andy as they prepare to become parents for the first time. Let us also pray for all children and young families and for a greater respect for all of life.

Blessings on your Lenten journey…

Saturday 18 February 2017

We Are Holy

“You shall be holy, for I the Lord God am holy.”                                                                                   Leviticus 19.2

Can we just let that sink in for a moment? For a life time?

Each one of us is holy because we are created in the image and likeness of God.
Each one of us is holy because we are redeemed by the amazing love of Christ.
Each one of us is holy because we are infused with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

I continually am in awe of this… it is intimate and personal, it is deeply rooted in us, it is part of our authentic DNA, it is challenging and it calls us to life and to share life. This is an everyday encounter with our God and true selves. On good days, on bad days, on the days we wonder how on earth we made it through, one days we feel alone, on days we can’t even breath the word holy without it being a swear, in our greatest moments and in our weakest moments… our holiness never leaves us. That is what is so breathtakingly beautiful about this gift… we are holy no matter what because God is holy and God loves us and desires nothing more than for us to grasp our holiness.

As I ponder this more,
I am thankful for
the moments in my days that remind me of this gift,
the ways God speaks to me and enters into my day,
the moments that remind me to seek holiness,
the people that live their lives in a way that holiness naturally exudes from them,
the people who challenge me to claim my holiness,
the people who constantly work for the holiness of each person,
all of creation that shows forth this gift,
all the unique ways that holiness is expressed,
all the love that God pours into the holiness of each us.

I will recount all your wonders, I will rejoice in you and be glad, O Most High (Psalm 9.2-3) for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139.14) and my life truly is holy.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Sunrise Reflections

The sun rises on all of us,
no matter who we are,
no matter where we are,
no matter how dark the night has been.

The sun rises on all of us,
may the rays of light touch us,
may the rays of warmth warm us,
may the rays of  light awaken us to life.

As I write this another beautiful Canadian winter sunrise is starting to fill our sky.
It is such a beautiful reminder of God's amazing creativity and such a sign of hope.
Slowly the darkness shifts to light and then a glow and then an amazing piercing light
of deep shades of orange, pink, purple and yellow crash through on the horizon and
extends its light to fill our day. Some mornings the brilliance is there for just a few moments and other days it lingers and slowly unfolds its wonder.

I am always in awe of a sunrise as they remind me of how God is at work in our lives. I have a quote in my room that reads, Hope: God Breaks In. A sunrise seems to best capture that truth. As the sun breaks into the night and creates the day I am reminded that our God continually breaks into our lives and fills us with hope, strength, courage and peace. Maybe at times what seems just for a fleeting moment, and maybe at other times it slowly builds into our lives. We must remember that both are gift and graces. God is always with us and yet is always "entering" our lives because God's love and mercy is so great, boundless and everlasting.

your light shines
on our neighbors and our friends,
on those who are strangers to us,
on those who we think are enemies,
on those who seek to walk in light,
on those who are lost in darkness,
on those who radiate joy and peace,
on those who believe and on those who do not, 
on those who are in pain,
on those who are rejoicing,
on every child, women and man,
on the young and the old,
on all of creation,
and for this we give you thanks.

This week I hope you can take in a sunrise and be able just to stop and give thanks to God for the light that fills your life and light bearers who help light your journey.


Wednesday 1 February 2017

Light Revealed

“My own eyes have seen the salvation…

a light to reveal you to the nations…”

These are the words that pour forth from the mouth of Simeon as he embraces the Christ the Child when he is presented in the temple.

February 2 marks the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple. This great Feast reminds us that the Light of Christ has indeed entered our world and pierced through the darkness.  With the prophet Anna we can praise God for his Son who walks with us and because of his Spirit we can see with new eyes.

I have been reminded recently that maybe I have been busy doing instead of simply being, this feast reminds me that no matter my burdens, no matter my worries, not matter how busy I am God breaks into my life and pierces it with light. Sometimes God breaks through the brokenness of life, other times through the joys, and at other times through the gift of good people who they themselves have embraced the light of Christ. I am grateful like Simeon and Anna, I too have seen with my own eyes God’s salvation in so many ways.

Towards the end of 2016 an image of a vessel surfaced in my prayer, it is the image I have chosen for 2017 and one that continues to challenge me and causes me to ponder my prayer, my actions, my words, my choices and my receptivity. A vessel can hold light and share it, it can consume light and quench it, it can let light seep out from all its openings and cracks or it can be closed and not allow light in. I’m choosing to embrace the gift of being an open vessel, yes maybe broken but open and in so doing I continually see God’s salvation and allow the light of Christ to fill me.

God of Life

you show to me your love

and lead me in the ways of salvation,

may I embrace the light that you pour into my life,

may the gift of Christ, your Son,

given to me so that I may have life

continue to be my way, my truth and my life.

Christ my Light,

I desire to radiate you

and to be a vessel of your great love and light.

I know you walk with me,

continue to guide me in the ways

of being the Child of God I am

and so be receptive to the goodness you pour into me.

Holy Spirit,

come to me,

guide me in paths that are everlasting,

help me to be bold, kind, compassionate

and filled with courage and joy

so I can be an open vessel,

and with Simeon & Anna continually give God praise.


February 2 also marks World Day for Consecrated Life.
I humbly ask for your continued prayers for the Franciscans
and all religious communities.