Wednesday 1 February 2017

Light Revealed

“My own eyes have seen the salvation…

a light to reveal you to the nations…”

These are the words that pour forth from the mouth of Simeon as he embraces the Christ the Child when he is presented in the temple.

February 2 marks the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple. This great Feast reminds us that the Light of Christ has indeed entered our world and pierced through the darkness.  With the prophet Anna we can praise God for his Son who walks with us and because of his Spirit we can see with new eyes.

I have been reminded recently that maybe I have been busy doing instead of simply being, this feast reminds me that no matter my burdens, no matter my worries, not matter how busy I am God breaks into my life and pierces it with light. Sometimes God breaks through the brokenness of life, other times through the joys, and at other times through the gift of good people who they themselves have embraced the light of Christ. I am grateful like Simeon and Anna, I too have seen with my own eyes God’s salvation in so many ways.

Towards the end of 2016 an image of a vessel surfaced in my prayer, it is the image I have chosen for 2017 and one that continues to challenge me and causes me to ponder my prayer, my actions, my words, my choices and my receptivity. A vessel can hold light and share it, it can consume light and quench it, it can let light seep out from all its openings and cracks or it can be closed and not allow light in. I’m choosing to embrace the gift of being an open vessel, yes maybe broken but open and in so doing I continually see God’s salvation and allow the light of Christ to fill me.

God of Life

you show to me your love

and lead me in the ways of salvation,

may I embrace the light that you pour into my life,

may the gift of Christ, your Son,

given to me so that I may have life

continue to be my way, my truth and my life.

Christ my Light,

I desire to radiate you

and to be a vessel of your great love and light.

I know you walk with me,

continue to guide me in the ways

of being the Child of God I am

and so be receptive to the goodness you pour into me.

Holy Spirit,

come to me,

guide me in paths that are everlasting,

help me to be bold, kind, compassionate

and filled with courage and joy

so I can be an open vessel,

and with Simeon & Anna continually give God praise.


February 2 also marks World Day for Consecrated Life.
I humbly ask for your continued prayers for the Franciscans
and all religious communities.

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