Saturday 18 February 2017

We Are Holy

“You shall be holy, for I the Lord God am holy.”                                                                                   Leviticus 19.2

Can we just let that sink in for a moment? For a life time?

Each one of us is holy because we are created in the image and likeness of God.
Each one of us is holy because we are redeemed by the amazing love of Christ.
Each one of us is holy because we are infused with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

I continually am in awe of this… it is intimate and personal, it is deeply rooted in us, it is part of our authentic DNA, it is challenging and it calls us to life and to share life. This is an everyday encounter with our God and true selves. On good days, on bad days, on the days we wonder how on earth we made it through, one days we feel alone, on days we can’t even breath the word holy without it being a swear, in our greatest moments and in our weakest moments… our holiness never leaves us. That is what is so breathtakingly beautiful about this gift… we are holy no matter what because God is holy and God loves us and desires nothing more than for us to grasp our holiness.

As I ponder this more,
I am thankful for
the moments in my days that remind me of this gift,
the ways God speaks to me and enters into my day,
the moments that remind me to seek holiness,
the people that live their lives in a way that holiness naturally exudes from them,
the people who challenge me to claim my holiness,
the people who constantly work for the holiness of each person,
all of creation that shows forth this gift,
all the unique ways that holiness is expressed,
all the love that God pours into the holiness of each us.

I will recount all your wonders, I will rejoice in you and be glad, O Most High (Psalm 9.2-3) for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139.14) and my life truly is holy.

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