Sunday 14 May 2017

A Living Stone

Each day we are called to
Come to the Lord
who is a Living Stone,
filling us with the Spirit and wisdom
to be people of good standing,
always precious in God’s sight.

We are also called each day to
be living stones for one another,
a witness of God’s love, mercy and kindness,
together to be built into a spiritual house -
living walls, unique, beautiful, powerful, inspired
and to claim our common holy priesthood –
offering together the work of our hands.

We are empowered by our Living God,
for we are God’s beloved Children,
each of us, all of us, no matter where or when,
we are a chosen race – black, white, poor, rich, free, slave
we are a royal priesthood – heirs to a kingdom, anointed as holy
we are a holy nation – building together with respect and gratitude
We have been called out of darkness,
into the marvelous light of our God
– into God’s light
which encompasses every hurt and pain,
every joy and happiness, every gift and struggle…
God’s marvelous light is always present
for God’s love is upon us as we hope (always hope) in God.

Today, tomorrow, and beyond Jesus has a message for us…
Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Believe in me, for I Believe in you.

Yes Lord, Yes Lord…
You are indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life…
for I see how you guide me on the Way,
your Truths you reveal to me in great and small ways,
your very Life breathes in me and calls me
to let go of my unbelief for I know you are here
and when my heart is troubled and grows heavy
you are stronger than any trouble or heaviness
for you are light, marvelous light
in which I walk,
which reveals to me truth
and which illumines my life to radiate you…
the True Living Stone and the True Living Bread…

Several of the phrases shared in the reflection above are from the readings from the 5th Sunday of Easter (Acts 6:1-7, Psalm 33, 1 Peter 2:4-9 and John 14:1-12). As they sat within my heart they beckoned to be blended together to share the message of our calling and that Christ reminds us that he is always with us (remember last week we were remind of Abundant Life). The line “the way, the truth, the life” continues to surface for me in prayer and reflection. I pray that each of us may continue to understand this gift more and more on our journey as we live out our Abundant Life in Christ.

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